St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Day I Saw My GrandFather at the Top of the Stairs, And He Had Been Dead for 40 Years!

I've rarely spoken about this event,
the few people to whom I have entrusted this knowledge have been kind enough to keep my secret for almost 30 years.
The gentleman in this photo is not my grandfather.
I don't know who he is, but he is not my grandfather.

My grandfather died when I was 12 years old.
I am now in my upper 60's.
I loved him very much,
I was greatly saddened by his death.

I prayed for the repose of his soul often.
Eventually, I forgot, but I did pray for the souls in Purgatory frequently.
I dearly love the souls!
Then, one day, as I was cleaning the bedroom, I walked past the open door that led to the staircase.
I glanced there, and I saw him.
There was my grandfather dressed in his gray jacket with his hat, and he was smiling!
I walked past the door, and then I went,
I walked backwards to the door, but he was gone.
The vision of him lasted only seconds, and with that knowledge, I fell down on my knees and prayed for him.
I realized that it had been 40 years since he died, and I wondered if he had been in Purgatory all that time.
Had he just been released from Purgatory in that moment I saw him?
Was he still in Purgatory and needed more prayers for relief?
I don't know, but that few seconds of time caused me to pray more for the souls in Purgatory, especially those whom we thought had been released a long time ago.
I never thought that he would have still been in Purgatory after 40 years!
40 years of suffering!
How long the average soul stays in Purgatory, we don't know.
The souls who have come back to ask for prayers have told the mystics that one day in Purgatory feels longer than 30 years. The intensity of their sufferings is great, greater than anything on earth.
They cannot help themselves.  
We are their only help.
So, please pray for the souls.
Offer Masses for them.
Pray the St. Gertrude prayer for them daily.
Pray for the repose of your family tree.
Pray for those who are alive now that they might have the grace of a holy death and spend little time in Purgatory.
Prayer for the release of souls.
Pray for them.
Pray for yourself.

Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with all of the Masses said throughout the world, in reparation for sin, for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those within my own home and within my family. Amen.

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