St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Until Yesterday...

Public Domain: Edwin Harris: Girl in a pink apron
Until yesterday I believed that the problem was
God's Will.
Today, I have changed my mind.

The problem is not discerning 
God's Will,
accepting God's Will.

An hour praying and discussing the issue of fasting with Jesus
at adoration
a discussion with our pastor after adoration on the same topic taught me that 
was not the issue.
God's Will
was the issue.

I am a diabetic who is insulin dependent.
Fasting is, and has been, a significant issue for me.

I have tried food fasts, only to find my sugars rise instead of fall.
I have tried fasts of bread and water, which also cause my sugars to rise very high.
I have tried abstaining from different foods.
I have tried eating only vegetables, and
 my sugars rise.
My daughter pointed out to me that if I wanted to fast,
food was not the fast for me.
I ignored what she said was obvious.
I felt that God's Will was for me to fast.
Nope. No. Nein. Nada. No way
did these food fasts work.
Yesterday, in a discussion with our pastor, he said to me.
"It's obvious.  It is not God's Will that you fast from food."
God wants me to fast!
"Have any of your food fasts worked in the past?" Father asked me.
"Well, then, I have to discern what foods I have to fast from," I replied.
"I think God has been telling you for a long time," Father replied.
"I want my prayers to be more effective.  I have to fast!" I said.
 'Think about it," Father replied.

Last night as I wrote in my prayer journal,
there were still no answers about the  foods from which I should fast.

I knew I had to discern God's Will.
Then I saw them.
There were so many "I's" in my journal.

I want to fast.
I want to use food.

Discernment was not the issue. 

Acceptance was.

None of my food fasts had ever worked,
 the numbers showed that clearly.
God had made His Will clear,
but I wasn't listening to Him.
His Will for me is that I not use food to fast.
Perhaps, the hunger I feel for Him can be fueled from virtue.

He's asking me to 
He's asking me to 
He's asking me to behave with 

He's asking me to let Him be in charge, to let Him be
Truthfully, it's a relief.
I don't have to worry about fasting any more.
I didn't like it anyway, but now, I can take this gift of not fasting,
honestly thank God because it's not His Will for me.
He will show me what He wants me to do.
Now, the balance returns with the gift of His Peace.
The journey begins anew.
Perhaps, this is the beginning of humility?


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