St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday: The Physical Death of Jesus

The article is a pdf which can be downloaded to your computer to be read at a later date, if need be.

This article was written by::
William D. Edwards MD, Wesley J. Gabel, Floyd E. Hosmer, MS. AMI
and published in JAMA, March 21, 1986, Vol 255, #11

The article is very long, but it is well worth the read.  If you have a tender stomach, I warn you, it is very graphic.  However, this article reminds us how painful the death of Jesus was. 

Jesus died  a death of excruciating pain.
The pictures are medically accurate.
They show the placement of the nails on His body.
They show the marks of His scourging.
The marks of the spear that pierced His side. 
The article describes the death of Jesus and the great pain associated with the crucifixion.

I highly recommend you take you time and read the article in its completion.  
Then, you will begin to appreciate, even more, how much our God loved us to die this terrible death.

Here are a few notes about the death of Jesus.

The word "crucifixtion" was excrutiating.
It comes from the latin word, 
excrutiatus or out of the cross.

Death by crucifixtion was begun in Persia, but it was perfected by the Romans.
This type of death for a prisoner was a death of shame for the family.
Death on the cross was designed to be painful and slow.
No one wanted to die this type of death.

Each prisoner carried his own cross, usually the top beam.
Most prisoners suffered a severe beating before crucifixion.
Jesus was no exception to this.
His beating was severe.  He suffered trauma to His body, and a significant loss of blood.
 He also carried His cross.
Because of loss of blood and dehydration, it was more difficult for Him to carry His cross.
The soldiers believed that He might die before they reached the site of crucifixtion.
When He was crucified, the nails were nailed into His hands and Feet,
not in way to eliminate suffering, but in a way to increase the pain.


The small stand on the cross was not there to relieve the suffering, but to increase them time and amount of pain.

During a crucifixion, the person crucified was in constant motion.
Functions of the body, began to fail.
Fluid collected in the lungs and around the lungs and heart making breathing more difficult.
The crucified had to move or suffocate.

When the Romans wanted to hasten death for the crucified,
they broke the legs of the prisoner and death happened in minutes.
That was the mercy of the Romans.

The death of Jesus took, approximately, 6 hours. 
Pilate was surprised because most deaths on the cross took days.

Physical problems compounded as the crucified came closer to death.
One possible explanation for the death of Jesus is that His Heart,
ruptured for love of us.

His legs were never broken.
Prophesy as fullfilled by this.

A spear pierced His side.


 The last of His Blood and water was given.

Jesus gave all when He died.

There was nothing left.

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