St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reading Sacred Scripture - Do you Read the Bible? Here's how someone used to feel!

Why should I read the Bible?

Simply put, Sacred Scripture, also known as,  the Bible is the written word of God.  Just as in any relationship, If you want to know God, you listen to what He says to you.  One of the best ways to learn more about God and His unending love for us is to read the Bible. 

None of that stuff written in the Bible applies to me now.  It was all written so long ago. 

Times may change.  People may change, but God never changes.  He was, is, and always will be Love.  Through Sacred Scripture, God is teaching us how to love and obey.  He is also teaching us how to f heaven. 

The bible is a big book.  Do I have to read it all?

Yes, the Bible is a big book.  There are great truths contained in it.  It would be nice to complete the Bible at least once.  It will take a long time, but it will be worth your while to read it all.  You should never try to read it all the way through at once.  You should read slowly and prayerfully and meditate on the truths contained in the Bible. 

Can I skip over parts, like all of those begets, begats, and begottens?

It helps to know the relationships of the people mention in Sacred Scripture.  Through their lineages, the Son of God was born in Bethlehem, just as the prophets of old foretold.

There’s a lot of sin in that bible.  Big sins!  People killing people, adultery, lies, cheating.  Why would I want to read that in a holy book? 

Yes, there is great sin recorded in the Bible by some of the holiest people who ever lived, but Sacred Scripture is also full of God’s redemptive love and transformative powers after the fall.  Through those who lived in ancient times, we learn of sin, but we also learn how much God continues to love His fallen children in spite of their sins.  When it comes to sin, not much has changed through the centuries.  We are all creatures who sin, but through God’s love forgiveness,  and Redemption, we are His beloved children.  He gives us the chance to repent and learn of His love that is demonstrated in Sacred Scripture.

Who wrote the Bible?

In the early days, the word of God was passed on verbally.  The written word of God didn’t come along until much later.  Stories were told over campfires.  Pslams were sung.  Parents taught their children the stories that they had heard as children.  There is no single writer of the Bible.  Many people contributed to it, but each word contained in Sacred Scripture is the inspired word of God. 

How often should I read the Bible?

How many days are there in a week?  How many weeks in a year?  Each day, you should read and meditate on the words of God that cling to your heart.  God is speaking to you privately through Sacred Scripture.  How long you should read each day is up to you, but to establish a new relationship with God, you should listen to Him speak each day of your life. 

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