St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

5 Things You Really Need to Know About God...


 There are some things we really need to know about God.
It doesn't matter who you are or which faith you practice,
you do need to know something about God.

1) There is only 1 God, but there are three persons in one God.
Like an egg which consists of the shell, the yolk, which is yellow, and the albumen, which is the white of the egg.  All three parts go into the egg, yet, it is only one egg.

God the Father.
God the Son,
God, the Holy Spirit,
(The Paraclete)

2) God is Love.  Love is all that God is.  He is a being of love as are each of His parts.  God is called the Father, because He created all that is, was, and ever will be out of love.   His name is Father because He loves all. The Son, out of love, became Human and Lived among us for 33 years. He willingly gave His life that we may live eternally.  He redeemed us and restored the entire human race to the level of "friend," not slave.  The Holy Spirit is the breath of God's love.  He gives the spiritual gifts that God sends to us for love of us.  He is love.

3) In spite of the fact that God wishes all of us to live eternally in heaven with Him, He has endowed us with the gift of free will.  He allows us, through the gift of free will, to choose our destiny of heaven or hell.  In each we will live eternally.  God tells us that His graces are enough for us.  Yet, He loves us enough to let us choose our way, even if it is not His Way.

4) The love of God is unending.  He is ready to welcome the repentant sinner back with arms outstretched and love in His heart.  He forgives us our sins.  He gives the imperfect, and that is most of us, the gift of Purgatory where we can become purified before we enter the Kingdom of God.  God never stops loving us, even if we separate ourselves from Him.

5) God never changes.  He is always the same.  He is love.  He is hope.  He is peace.  He is eternal.
God loves us as no one else can.  We are His children.  As with any earthly father, God wants only the best for us.  He never changes.  He is all we long for on earth.  He is everything we seek in the life after death.  God is love. 

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