St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, December 5, 2014

7 Quick Takes This Week:: Remembering the Souls in Purgatory, showtime, tree, Advent, Thanksgiving

It's not November any more, but it is always important to pray for the 
Souls in Purgatory.
They need our help.
Guess what's being offered up here.  
I developed tendonitis of my thumb
getting ready for a show starting today.
It hurts, but I know the 
Souls in Purgatory 
suffer so much more,
so with joy  I offer this pain up to Jesus for the 

 Use it, Jesus, to help the Souls.
Use it, Jesus, to save souls.
Thank You,
Loving Savior.

 My article on has had over 1.4K shares on Facebook.   Praise God that it's reaching so many people!

Here's the link::

Click  HERE

I don't do many shows a year.
Often times, they are not worth the time invested.
I only do 1-3 selected shows a year.
Most of them are scheduled around this time.
There was only one show that I was able to be in, and it begins today.
I'm featuring these ornaments in the show.

If they don't sell,
they are going to be on my tree! 

 Even though it's still Advent, our tree is up and lit.  I love our tree!
The ornaments are all new.  I thought we had bought way too many new ones, but it was just enough!

Now, I wait for the birth of our King!

Yes, it's very non-traditional, 
but this is our Christmas wreath.
It took me about ten minutes,
I think it's the best one in the neighborhood.

you can offer your joys, too,
for the 
Souls in Purgatory.

They appreciate anything you do for them.

The flowers are finally gone.
What's left of the roses are these beautiful rose hips.
I don't have enough to make 
Rose Hip Jam, but I do love to look at these beautiful seed pods
against the snow.

The red and green are 
Christmas colors.

They are brilliant against the snow. 

 Memories of Christmas Past.
Dreams of Christmas Present.
Anticipation of Christmas Future.

God is Good.
Have you thanked Him for all the beauty in this earth?

Praise God!
Thank God!
We are your servants.
Thank You!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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