St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Monday, May 5, 2014

At the End of the Day....

Look to the Creator and talk about your day.
God:: So, tell me about your day.

Me:: Lord, you're God, You know all about my day.

God:: Yes, I do, but I'd like to hear you tell me about it.

Me:: Well, what do You want me to tell You?

God:: Let Me see.  Did you follow My commandments today?

Me:: Well, yes, I did.  Well, most of them, I did.

God:: Really, most of them?  How was your drive to work today?

Me:: Great!  I made record time today.  You couldn't stop me!

God:: I know. You cut off 3 people and nearly caused an accident.

Me:: That wasn't my fault.

God:: Really, you seemed very impatient. That's not a gift of the Holy Spirit.  Think about it.

Me:: Oh, well, I'm sorry.

God:: Be sure to mention that when you go to confession.

Me:: Confession?   I haven't been there in years!

God::  I know.  Remember My love, mercy and forgiveness await you there.  Did you know that when the priest forgives you your sins and talks to you, it's really Me talking to you?

Me:: Oh, I guess I forgot that.

God:: By the way, what's today?

Me:: Sunday?  If you're going to tell me I shouldn't work today, I have a lot to do!  I have to get it done!

God:: What about the commandment to keep holy the Lord's Day?

Me:: I did, Lord.  I thought about you as I worked.

God:: I know you did.  You kept calling on my name, but not to ask for blessings.

Me:: You heard me?

God:: Yes, I did.  You missed Mass, too.  You could have gone last night.

Me:: Sorry about that, but I had to finish the lawn so I could go to work today.

God:: I rested after seven days.  It's good to rest and give glory to your God.

Me:: Oh.

God:: Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha?

Me:: Last names?  I'm not sure...

God:  It's in the Bible, Sacred Scripture?

Me:: I don't have one.

God:: Martha was busy in the kitchen. Mary chose to sit and listen to My words.  Martha was very upset with Mary because she was stressed out over the supper preparations.  I reminded Martha that Mary had chosen the better way. Martha realized I was right.  She relaxed and listened to me.  Dinner was wonderful!  Martha chose Me.

Me:: Oh.  Lord, look, I have a lot to do.

God:: Yes, I know you do, but when do you make time for Me?

Me:: Come on, you're God.  You don't need me!

God:: You're right. I don't need you, but you need Me.

Me:: I know that, but when things slow down, I'll make the time.  I promise.

God::  Well, I gave you the gift of free will.  It's your choice. 

Me:: I promise, Lord!  I will.

God:: My graces await you.  Please don't wait too long.  Life is short.  Eternity is forever.

Me:: I know that.

God:: Your friend, Phil?  He died yesterday. He was a year younger than you.

Me:: What?

God:: Think about what I said.  My graces await you, but it's your choice.  I love you and My Love is Unending.  No matter what, I'll always love you.  Remember that.  I'll always love you.  Good night.

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