St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, May 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday - A week of Prayer


We praise You!  We bless you!  We glorify You, Sovereign Lord!  We thank You for Your greatness!  May we glorify You in our thoughts, words, and actions.  May we glorify You in our song.  Heavenly Father!  Holy Son!  Spirit of God!  Triune God!  All three, but one!  The Great I AM!  The Great High Priest! Consoler and Comforter!  Our God!  Amen.


This bed is so warm and cozy.  Thank You, Lord, for this bed.  My covers are soft and warm.  Thank You, Lord, for these blankets.  Even though I'm retired, I don't have to get up, but my Alarm is on the second snooze.  I need to shut off the alarm. 5:30, well now, it's almost 6, is so early, but if I don't get up now, I'll miss Mass this morning. Thank You for that obnoxious alarm. I know it's my choice.  I'd rather sleep, but if I don't get up now, Lord.... I'm up.  Thank You, Lord.  I'll be on time. 


Just a quick prayer to say, "I need you, Lord, today.  Be with me through it all.  Help me to hold it together.  Today is a challenging day.  There's a lot to accomplish.  My bare feet are on the floor, and I'm already behind.  Be near me, Jesus.  I'm afraid I'll fall."


Thank You, Lord, for yesterday. It was a rough day, but I made it through the day with minimal damage.  Now, it's already mid week.  Where did the other days go?  What have I accomplished this week?  Today will be better.  You were with me in the midst of battle yesterday.  I felt Your Presence.  Lord, I need some extra time today. I want to visit a You at adoration.  Can you add extra time to my day?  Lord, I thank You.  Hold me close.


It was a good day today.  Thank You, Lord!  I caught almost all of the green lights today.  I was able to park close to the door.  I found a quarter on the floor.  I lit a candle at Mass this morning. 
It wasn't a perfect day, but it certainly was a good one.  I saw a robin.  I saw a hawk.  I was able to go for a walk because it was warm enough.  It didn't snow.  The sun was bright.  You blessed me a lot today, Lord.  And, tomorrow is Friday. Thank You, Lord.  Thank You!


 It's the day before the weekend begins!  I am so happy for this gift.  Lord, thank you for the gift of Friday.  Knowing tomorrow is Saturday makes today a blessing.  I'll run some errands at lunch. I'll run to the grocery store before supper.  Doesn't a taco salad sound good for tonight?  I hope that you join us for supper, Lord. We welcome You as our guest.  Tonight, I'll go to bed early to be ready for Saturday.  I'll even clean a little before bed.  This week, Saturday will be a fun day since the kids are coming home.  Saturday will be another of Your blessings to me.  Thank You, Lord!


Lunch is almost ready, Jesus.  My jeans are comfortable.  The kids are home.  They pulled out the photos and those pictures bring back memories.  No, not all of them are pleasant memories, but we made it through the rough times with Your help.  Now, we can look back on them and say, "that's over.  I'm glad.  Thank You, Lord, for protecting us in that storm."  The good times out numbered the bad.  Thank You, Lord, for the happy days, minutes, and hours.  We're family bound by blood and time.  Tomorrow is Your day.  Thank You for this week!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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