St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, May 9, 2014

7 Quick Takes:: Motherhood and Mary, the Mother of God

No matter what our mothers did or did not do, they gave us the gift of life. Our mothers, like Mary, chose life for us. Imperfect creatures that they are, that we are, all mothers choose to give the gift of life to their children.

Mary chose life for Jesus. She, who was sinless, became the tabernacle for the living God. She said, "Let it be done to me according to His Will." She chose to give Jesus life and to carry Him in her womb for 9 months. She chose God and she chose life.
Many women glow with delight at their expanding bellies, the baby bump. They are elated to feel this new life in their bodies kicking and twisting and turning and growing. They long for the day when that child is placed in their arms. They give birth. They rejoice as their child grows into adulthood.

Mary felt Jesus growing inside of her. She felt him move within her body. Her blood flowed in a His veins as he grew in her body. Mary's body grew. She gained weight. She had a baby bump, a most blessed and holy baby bump! Mary rejoiced at the birth of her Son. She held him in her arms. She adored and worshiped her Son, her God. She radiated joy as she shared Him with her family and friends, even though they did not know who He was. She watched Him grow to be a man. She saw Him die on the cross. Her joy turned into sorrow. She became the sorrowful Mother, and then, Jesus rose from the dead!
Pregnancy can be uncomfortable. Morning sickness, raging hormones, expanding girth, extra weight, discomfort as the pelvis expands to house the little one all combine to make life more difficult. Yet, mothers go on. They live their lives and do what they have to do. They care their spouses, their other children, if there are any, and they continue to prepare for that new baby's birth.

 Mary, after Gabriel visited her, did what she needed to do. She left to go care for her elder cousin who was also with child. Together, they rejoiced in the miracles that their children were. Elizabeth's son, John, knew who Jesus was, and he leapt in his mother's womb for joy. Mary stayed with Elizabeth until John was born. She returned home, trusting that God would provide, and He did. Joseph took Mary into his home and they both prepared for the birth of their Son.
Many women do not have their own biological children, but they are mothers. Any woman who takes a child into her heart becomes a mother. She can be a teacher, a nurse, a coworker, or a friend. Any woman can become a spiritual mother to a child, whether she has given birth to that child or not.

Before Jesus died on the cross, He said to John, "Behold your mother." He said to Mary, "Behold your son". In that moment Mary became our Mother, a gift from Jesus to the world.
 With the exception of the royals and other celebrities, most mothers live an unseen, albeit busy, life.  The members of the press and other media reporters do not stalk them for the stories of their lives and pictures of their children.  These mothers work in and outside of their homes.  They play.  They juggle events.  They take their children to school.  They cook.  They clean.  They manage car pools! Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about all a modern mother has to do in the length of her day!  Yet, these women are not honored for their job of raising their children. They live ordinary, quiet, and busy lives.

Mary also lived a quiet, busy life with her husband Joseph and her precious Son, Jesus. She cooked.  She cleaned.  She took care of her family.  She lived a quiet, unseen life.  Joseph was a carpenter.   The family was ordinary.  They did not make the news.  They were ordinary, simple people raising a Son.  Mary, like women today, lived a simple life, unknown to the world, yet, nestled in her arms, as she sang Him to sleep each night, was Jesus, the Promised One, the Lamb of God, the Son of God, and no one even suspected.

As our children grow up, we know that they will leave.  Like the robin who pushes her babes out of the nest to teach them to fly, mothers are often required to push that child out of the nest. Along the way, she teaches the children the skills they need to survive and grow in our world.  Even if the children leave the nest willingly, mothers are still there to teach them independence, and to love them. Mothers teach their children to love of God, to rejoice in The Lord.  They teach them social skills, everyday living skills, and help them to appreciate their roots.  Even if the children leave the nest willingly, mothers are still there to teach for children, nurture their children, help them, and support them, and to lend an ear in times of trouble.  This is motherhood..

Mary, the Mother of God,taught her Son as any mother would.  When it came time, it was Mary, inspired by the Holy Spirit who told Jesus, at the wedding in Cana, "They have no wine."  Knowing that He would do what she asked Him, Mary turned to the waiters and said, Do whatever He tells you."  Jesus must have smiled as He bantered with His Mother, "My time has not yet come."  Jesus began His public ministry through His Mother's intercession that saved the newly married couple the embarrassment of having no wine for their guests.

Mothers today not only have the gift of free will given by God and imprinted in every person's soul, but Mothers also have the "right" to choose whether or not they will give birth to their babies.  If a mother "chooses," she can have an abortion, thus ending her chid's life.

Women are asked if they want  to “terminate the pregnancy.”  A baby is referred to as a pregnancy.  What if a medical care professional asked, instead, ”Do you want to kill your baby?"  How would a mother respond?  I know it’s an agonizing decision for women to have an abortion or not, but our culture has made it easy to abort a baby and has made it acceptable. Women today don't realize the gravity of their decision to abort their babies.

 As difficult as it may be to allow a child to be born who is disabled or unwanted, God blesses the woman who gives her baby the gift of life.  We need to pray for the lives of all unborn babies and for their mothers.  We need to pray for all women who have had or are contemplating abortions.  We need to be the love of Christ for them in our world. 

Mary also had a choice.  She, like us, had been gifted with free will.  When the angel waited for her decision, Mary thought and asked one question, "how can this be since I do not know man?"
When assured that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, Mary did not hesitate.  She humbly accepted God's will for her, and Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived in her womb.   When He died, Jesus made His Mother, our Mother. 

Happy Mother's Day, to all women and our most Blessed Mother, for Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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