St. Michael Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Glory to God in the Highest!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Ending the week in Gratitude
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High."
to sing praises to your name, O Most High."
Psalm 92:1
The ups and downs of this week can only be compared to a roller coaster ride that refused to end.
The roller coaster darted past the ticket taker again and again.
The ride was not fun, but it was a ride.
Yet, St. Paul exhorts us:
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
So, I give thanks because it is God's Will for me.
There were good things in the week.
I was able to find and take photos in
The Church of the Maternity of Mary!
It was a short but beautiful part of my day yesterday!
My heavy heart was consoled by
Mama Mary.
"O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever."
for his steadfast love endures forever."
1 Chronicles 16:34
Can I say less?
Thank You, Lord, for Your steadfast love!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Message: May 25, 2015 to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti:
Also today I am with you and with joy I call all of you: pray
and believe in the power of prayer.
Open your hearts, little children,
so that God may fill you with His love and you will be a joy to others.
Your witness will be powerful and everything you do will be interwoven
with God’s tenderness.
I am with you and I pray for you and your
conversion until you put God in the first place.
Thank you for having
responded to my call.”
What is the Virgin saying to her beloved children?
Pray and believe in the power of prayer.
Open your hearts.
Your witness will be powerful.
Put God in the first place.
These are the words that jump out at me.
What words jump out at you?
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Worth Revisiting: Sometimes God Needs to Remind You
My ankle seems to be healing, but I can't fit into my shoes. Wearing
slippers is my new norm since the fall down the stairs. I'd rather be
wearing my shoes, but even loose sandals are impossible because of the
swelling in my foot. I have been embarrassed wearing my slippers,
especially when attending Mass.
This morning, as I hobbled into church before morning Mass, I met a friend who saw me limping, and, of course, wearing my slippers. She asked me what happened. I told her the story, with a touch of whining, looking for a bit of sympathy. At the end of the story I added, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church twice."
Julia looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Well, praise God. At least you're here." She smiled and went on her way. "Praise God." Oh, my, a moment of humility enveloped me. "At least, you're here." Yes, I was at Mass. I was able to drive. I was able to get to church without help. I didn't break a hip or any other bone. Yes, "Praise God." I entered Church ready for Mass.
Later in the morning, I went to our local Post Office. Laurie was there manning her desk. She saw me limp in wearing my slippers. Laurie asked me what happened. I told the story again adding, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church, twice now."
Laurie looked me square in the eye and said, "At least, you were able to go to church." Oh, my! God, being God, reminded me again. "Be grateful. It could have been much worse." I smiled and left again enveloped in His gift of humility. Sometimes God reminds me of what I should already know.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for reminding me of Your Unending Love. Thank you for giving me these moments of humility. I was not grateful, but now, I am. I do praise You! I thank You! My Lord, My God, My All!
This morning, as I hobbled into church before morning Mass, I met a friend who saw me limping, and, of course, wearing my slippers. She asked me what happened. I told her the story, with a touch of whining, looking for a bit of sympathy. At the end of the story I added, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church twice."
Julia looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Well, praise God. At least you're here." She smiled and went on her way. "Praise God." Oh, my, a moment of humility enveloped me. "At least, you're here." Yes, I was at Mass. I was able to drive. I was able to get to church without help. I didn't break a hip or any other bone. Yes, "Praise God." I entered Church ready for Mass.
Later in the morning, I went to our local Post Office. Laurie was there manning her desk. She saw me limp in wearing my slippers. Laurie asked me what happened. I told the story again adding, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church, twice now."
Laurie looked me square in the eye and said, "At least, you were able to go to church." Oh, my! God, being God, reminded me again. "Be grateful. It could have been much worse." I smiled and left again enveloped in His gift of humility. Sometimes God reminds me of what I should already know.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for reminding me of Your Unending Love. Thank you for giving me these moments of humility. I was not grateful, but now, I am. I do praise You! I thank You! My Lord, My God, My All!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
If I had Know Pink was an Option.....
I found this photo on
with no credit to the photographer.
if I had known when I was younger
that this was an option,
I might have become a Holy Spirit Sister of Adoration.
Who knew?
Pink Walls.
Pink Habits.
Have you ever given thought,
serious or not,
to becoming a
consecrated religious?
I have and did consider this option as my vocation in life.
When I was 10, more than anything else in the world, I wanted to become a nun.
I saw myself wearing the habit.
I told our priest about this in confession.
He suggested I wait to make sure this was my vocation.
Even then, he reminded me that it was God's Will that mattered, not mine.
He was right.
I discovered boys at the end of my 5th grade year.
Out went the thoughts of religious life.
I can only assume, that, my dream of a vocation to the religious life was not God's Will for me.
When I married,
I always said that if my husband and I should divorce or if he would die,
I would become a nun.
I was serious about this.
Even late callings to the religious life are important.
When he died,
the thoughts of religious life surfaced again.
There were a few obstacles.
I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with them.
So, once again, I dismissed the thoughts of a life in the consecrated service of God.
I realize now,
this is not my calling.
God sent me some ideas so that I would think,
in the end,
to become a religious was not my vocation.
if I had seen these pink habits before I made that decision,
I might have changed my mind again.
How do you feel about religious life?
Have you considered this as a call for your vocation?
What is your vocation?
Monday, May 25, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Ending the Week In Praise and Thanksgiving
" I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind— just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you— so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 1: 4-7
1) I do give thanks for all those who have been brought in my path this past week. From some, I have learned to pray. From others, I have learned to bless. Some brought me joy. Some brought me pain. Some brought me the gift of thanksgiving.
From each of these, I have been blessed. For that, Sweet Lord, I give you thanks.
2) I also give thanks to God for my new shoes. They are so comfortable and cute. I wasn't sure they would be comfortable, so now, I'm doubly blessed! Thank you, Lord, for this ordinary minute.
3) God is good. He has a plan for each of us. We do not necessarily like His plans for us, but He has a plan. When we are down. He lifts us up. He gives us strength.
everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and
more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day."
2 Corinthians 4: 15-16
Thursday, May 21, 2015
30 Word Thursday: The Light
No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In
the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5: 15-16
Of course this is over 40 words, but all of it needs to be said.
Let us shine our light so that all may see that we are part of the Body of Christ.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Do You Remember Delores Hart?
She went from Hollywood to the nunnery.
She really did!
She is now known as
Mother Delores Hart
saved her monastery from being demolished
as she tells the story of
giving Elvis Presley
his first movie kiss.
Isn't it amazing the way God works?
God takes a beautiful actress in Hollywood and draws her into His Heart.
She works for God now, but she can still vote on the Academy Awards.
I can't find attributions for the photos I used.
If I find them, I will post them.
Mother Delores has written a book called
The Ear of the Heart.
I just purchased her book on my kindle.
When I have finished the book, I will review it here.
Her life is incredible, and what a vision God had for her!
You can find her book
In the meantime,
you can read the story of how she saved the monastery.
for the story.
Mother Delores also has a Facebook Page.
to like her page.
God works wonders.
Mother Delores Hart
lives the vision God has for her.
What do you think God's vision is for you?
Do you live that vision?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Broken Rosaries that I have...
Yes, I do.
I have many rosaries.
I rescue them from thrift shops.
I buy them and repair them.
People often give me rosaries
to repair and put back in circulation.
I end up with
Right now,
It's not bad.
I only have 6 to repair.
It's time to get to work and make them right.
When I am finished,
I will take these rosaries to Church to be redistributed to those who need them.
The only one that I will keep is one that was made for me specially.
It's the blue one on the right.
My uncle, who is now deceased, had it made for me.
My children's names are on it.
It's special. It's mine.
The rest of the rosaries, when repaired, will be hung with the other rosaries in church.
Now, the rosaries are organized and ready for repair.
If there are any that I cannot repair, I will dig a hole in the ground where few if any people walk,
and I will bury them there.
A priest told me that this was the way to take care of blessed items which are no longer usable.
May is the month of Our Lady.
Pray the Rosary for Peace.
Pray the Rosary for your children.
When you begin your rosary say,
"With these beads, I bind my children to your Immaculate Heart."
Our Lady will take are of them.
Monday, May 18, 2015
A Rosary to Pray and A Rosary to Give
If you haven't guessed it,
the beast behind the rosaries is my purse.
In front, you see my rosaries.
I always carry two rosaries with me.
One I use to pray.
One I use to give away.
Can you guess which of the two
Rosaries I use?
In this case,
it's not the pink.
I was given the other rosary by a friend in a time of great stress and sorrow for me.
I treasure the Rosary and what it represents to me.
It was a gift of love.
I hope that the recipients of my
"Rosary to Give"
feel the same way.
I have given rosaries to family and friends.
I have given rosaries to complete strangers.
Most of them seemed very grateful.
One young man, who was my seatmate on a flight from Chicago to home,
was full of chatter, and it was pleasant chatter.
He told me that he had just come from his girlfriend's home in Washington DC.
He said that it was great to see her.
Since it was a Sunday, I asked him if he had been to Mass that day.
(I guessed correctly, inspired by the Holy Spirit. He was a Catholic.)
He was honest and said that he had not been to Mass in a very long time.
He went on to tell me that his mom and grandma had been praying for him to return to the
Church for ages.
He did not feel the need to attend any kind of religious services.
I asked him if he had a Rosary.
He just smiled and said no.
Luckily, my give away Rosary, at that time, was a dark colored rosary that I had made out of twine.
I handed him the Rosary, and I told him that it had been blessed.
This young man, and I don't know his name, teared up.
He said, "My mom would love you."
I just smiled.
I asked him if he remembered how to pray the Rosary.
He said that he did not.
As luck would have it, though I don't know if he considered it luck,
I had a pamphlet with me that showed how to pray the rosary and all the decades of the rosary.
I gave it to him.
He still had tears in his eyes.
This young man was very polite.
He folded up the pamphlet and put it in his pocket.
He held on to the Rosary until we landed, then he put the Rosary into his pocket.
I don't know what happened to him.
I've never seen him again.
I hope he is praying the Rosary frequently.
When I got home, I found another Rosary, and put that in my purse to give away.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
Mary's Memories:: Meditaitons on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Mary's Memories
Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
I knew it was time for my Son, Jesus, to leave home and begin His public ministry. I was elated that He would soon be revealed as the Promised Messiah, but I knew that He would suffer. The Father had been preparing both of us for this day. I felt a great deal of pain knowing that Jesus would suffer for love of His people, but I knew that salvation was at hand. I knew that Jesus would deliver His people from the depths of sin. John was born before Jesus. Elizabeth said that John jumped in her womb when I cradled Jesus in my womb. John says that he baptizes with water, but that the one who is to come will baptize with the Spirit. There's Jesus in the water with John being baptized. I see a great light forming over the head of my Son. The Father is speaking, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased."
The Wedding at Cana
I heard that Jesus is on His way with some of His followers. He was looking forward to this wedding feast. There He is! There's my Son! Jesus has brought some men with Him. They are the men that Jesus has chosen. I must welcome them. Jesus and His friends have already found a place to sit. I'll bring them some food and drink. They must be very hungry from their journey. I see that the waiters are very upset. They have run out of wine. My Son smiles at me and greets me with the love only the Son can give. "Mother," he says. "Meet my friends." I smile and give them some bread and cheese. They are so hungry. I can see the waiters are trying to decide what to do. "Jesus, they have no more wine." Jesus stops eating and looks at me with His beautiful smile, "Woman, what would you have Me do? My hour has not yet come." I smiled at Jesus. I knew what He would do next, and He knew that I knew. Jesus would not refuse my request. His time had come. I called the waiters over. "Do whatever He tells you." Jesus smiled and sighed. He told the waiters to fill 6 pottery vessels with water, then to take the vessels to the head waiter. They did this. Then they knew. The water had been turned into the finest wine. There would be no embarrassment at this wedding. Jesus' new friends didn't know what to say. They didn't need to talk. I brought them more food to eat.
The Proclamation of the Gospel
After the wedding Jesus began to preach in temples and synagogues around Israel. He publicly cured the sick and cast out demons. He preached repentance, love, and joy to all that He met. Jesus forgave sinners their sin. Jesus and His friends did not travel to the Gentiles. He told me that there would be workers to do this later, but if a gentile came to Him with great faith, Jesus would heal them. He healed the centurion's servant. He healed the lepers. He healed the daughter of the gentile woman who came to Him and begged Jesus to heal her. Jesus saw her great faith and humility, and He healed her daughter. Jesus also raised the dead. Lazarus was His friend, yet, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill. He waited. He did not leave to heal him. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus was dead. My Jesus wept at the tomb. People asked why He did not come when He heard that Lazarus was ill. Jesus only replied, "Roll away the stone." Then He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus was brought back to life by my Son! Finally they knew, Jesus was the Son of God. Yet, so many hated Him and tried to harm Him, but they failed. Jesus only said, "My hour has not yet come."
Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
I knew it was time for my Son, Jesus, to leave home and begin His public ministry. I was elated that He would soon be revealed as the Promised Messiah, but I knew that He would suffer. The Father had been preparing both of us for this day. I felt a great deal of pain knowing that Jesus would suffer for love of His people, but I knew that salvation was at hand. I knew that Jesus would deliver His people from the depths of sin. John was born before Jesus. Elizabeth said that John jumped in her womb when I cradled Jesus in my womb. John says that he baptizes with water, but that the one who is to come will baptize with the Spirit. There's Jesus in the water with John being baptized. I see a great light forming over the head of my Son. The Father is speaking, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased."
The Wedding at Cana
I heard that Jesus is on His way with some of His followers. He was looking forward to this wedding feast. There He is! There's my Son! Jesus has brought some men with Him. They are the men that Jesus has chosen. I must welcome them. Jesus and His friends have already found a place to sit. I'll bring them some food and drink. They must be very hungry from their journey. I see that the waiters are very upset. They have run out of wine. My Son smiles at me and greets me with the love only the Son can give. "Mother," he says. "Meet my friends." I smile and give them some bread and cheese. They are so hungry. I can see the waiters are trying to decide what to do. "Jesus, they have no more wine." Jesus stops eating and looks at me with His beautiful smile, "Woman, what would you have Me do? My hour has not yet come." I smiled at Jesus. I knew what He would do next, and He knew that I knew. Jesus would not refuse my request. His time had come. I called the waiters over. "Do whatever He tells you." Jesus smiled and sighed. He told the waiters to fill 6 pottery vessels with water, then to take the vessels to the head waiter. They did this. Then they knew. The water had been turned into the finest wine. There would be no embarrassment at this wedding. Jesus' new friends didn't know what to say. They didn't need to talk. I brought them more food to eat.
The Proclamation of the Gospel
After the wedding Jesus began to preach in temples and synagogues around Israel. He publicly cured the sick and cast out demons. He preached repentance, love, and joy to all that He met. Jesus forgave sinners their sin. Jesus and His friends did not travel to the Gentiles. He told me that there would be workers to do this later, but if a gentile came to Him with great faith, Jesus would heal them. He healed the centurion's servant. He healed the lepers. He healed the daughter of the gentile woman who came to Him and begged Jesus to heal her. Jesus saw her great faith and humility, and He healed her daughter. Jesus also raised the dead. Lazarus was His friend, yet, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill. He waited. He did not leave to heal him. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus was dead. My Jesus wept at the tomb. People asked why He did not come when He heard that Lazarus was ill. Jesus only replied, "Roll away the stone." Then He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus was brought back to life by my Son! Finally they knew, Jesus was the Son of God. Yet, so many hated Him and tried to harm Him, but they failed. Jesus only said, "My hour has not yet come."
The Transfiguration
I did not see this, but Peter told me. He said that Jesus asked the three of them, Peter, James and John, to go up with Him to the mountain. He did not say why. Peter thought they were going to pray. Jesus loved to pray to His Father on the mountain top, in silence. When they reached the top of the mountain, Jesus became brilliant with light. The Apostles were frightened. They dropped to their knees. Then they say Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah! The mountain was full of electricity and light. Peter said there was no light as bright as this on earth. Then, Peter, oh, dear Peter, said,"It's a good thing we are here, Lord, so that we can build tents for You and Moses and Elijah." While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them up, and a voice form the cloud said, “This is My Beloved Son, Whom I love. With Him I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.” The Apostles were terrified and fell to their knees. At once the light was gone, and Jesus was alone. The Apostles did not know what to say or ask Jesus. Jesus knew their thoughts and confusion. He did tell them not to speak of this. They didn't.
The Institution of the Eucharist.
This moment was so sacred. The time for His Passion and Death were near. Jesus asked the Father to give me strength to bear this with Him. We both knew that it was for this reason He had been born. Jesus and His Apostles were celebrating the feast of the Passover in a room above a house. Just a few days before, Jesus had told His Apostles that He would soon be tortured and killed. Peter, dear Peter, swore that this would not happen and the he would die protecting Jesus. Jesus was overwhelmed with grief. He did not want to suffer and die, but for love of us, He would and He would suffer and die with great joy knowing that we would be saved through His death. He turned to Peter and said, "Get away from Me, satan." Peter was shocked at this rebuke. He knew he had offended Jesus, and he hung his head in shame. Now the time had come, and Jesus' hour was near. Before the meal began, Jesus took off his cloak, wrapped a towel around His waist and began to wash the feet of His friends. Jesus told them that no man was greater than the master. He told them to serve as He was serving. Again, dear Peter said to My Son, "Lord I am not worthy. You will not wash my feet." Jesus again rebuked Peter. Peter regretted what he had said. "Lord, not only my feet but my head as well." Then they all sat down to eat the unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Judas left. Before anyone spoke, Jesus pronounced the prayers that had been said for centuries in our history, then He took the bread. He broke the bread and gave it to His Apostles saying, "Take this and eat of it. For this is My Body of the new covenant. Do this in remembrance of Me." No one spoke as Jesus gave each Apostle His Body. Then He took the wine and said, "This is My Blood which will be shed for You. Do this in remembrance of Me." The Apostles drank the Blood of My Son. My Heart began to shred. When the meal was finished, Jesus and His Apostles left for the Garden.
I did not see this, but Peter told me. He said that Jesus asked the three of them, Peter, James and John, to go up with Him to the mountain. He did not say why. Peter thought they were going to pray. Jesus loved to pray to His Father on the mountain top, in silence. When they reached the top of the mountain, Jesus became brilliant with light. The Apostles were frightened. They dropped to their knees. Then they say Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah! The mountain was full of electricity and light. Peter said there was no light as bright as this on earth. Then, Peter, oh, dear Peter, said,"It's a good thing we are here, Lord, so that we can build tents for You and Moses and Elijah." While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them up, and a voice form the cloud said, “This is My Beloved Son, Whom I love. With Him I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.” The Apostles were terrified and fell to their knees. At once the light was gone, and Jesus was alone. The Apostles did not know what to say or ask Jesus. Jesus knew their thoughts and confusion. He did tell them not to speak of this. They didn't.
The Institution of the Eucharist.
This moment was so sacred. The time for His Passion and Death were near. Jesus asked the Father to give me strength to bear this with Him. We both knew that it was for this reason He had been born. Jesus and His Apostles were celebrating the feast of the Passover in a room above a house. Just a few days before, Jesus had told His Apostles that He would soon be tortured and killed. Peter, dear Peter, swore that this would not happen and the he would die protecting Jesus. Jesus was overwhelmed with grief. He did not want to suffer and die, but for love of us, He would and He would suffer and die with great joy knowing that we would be saved through His death. He turned to Peter and said, "Get away from Me, satan." Peter was shocked at this rebuke. He knew he had offended Jesus, and he hung his head in shame. Now the time had come, and Jesus' hour was near. Before the meal began, Jesus took off his cloak, wrapped a towel around His waist and began to wash the feet of His friends. Jesus told them that no man was greater than the master. He told them to serve as He was serving. Again, dear Peter said to My Son, "Lord I am not worthy. You will not wash my feet." Jesus again rebuked Peter. Peter regretted what he had said. "Lord, not only my feet but my head as well." Then they all sat down to eat the unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Judas left. Before anyone spoke, Jesus pronounced the prayers that had been said for centuries in our history, then He took the bread. He broke the bread and gave it to His Apostles saying, "Take this and eat of it. For this is My Body of the new covenant. Do this in remembrance of Me." No one spoke as Jesus gave each Apostle His Body. Then He took the wine and said, "This is My Blood which will be shed for You. Do this in remembrance of Me." The Apostles drank the Blood of My Son. My Heart began to shred. When the meal was finished, Jesus and His Apostles left for the Garden.
Pray the Rosary Daily!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Mary's Memories: Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries
Baptism of Jesus Public Domain Tintoretto |
Mary's Memories
Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
I knew it was time for my Son, Jesus, to leave home and begin His public ministry. I was elated that He would soon be revealed as the Promised Messiah, but I knew that He would suffer. The Father had been preparing both of us for this day. I felt a great deal of pain knowing that Jesus would suffer for love of His people, but I knew that salvation was at hand. I knew that Jesus would deliver His people from the depths of sin. John was born before Jesus. Elizabeth said that John jumped in her womb when I cradled Jesus in my womb. John says that he baptizes with water, but that the one who is to come will baptize with the Spirit. There's Jesus in the water with John being baptized. I see a great light forming over the head of my Son. The Father is speaking, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased."
The Wedding at Cana
I heard that Jesus is on His way with some of His followers. He was looking forward to this wedding feast. There He is! There's my Son! Jesus has brought some men with Him. They are the men that Jesus has chosen. I must welcome them. Jesus and His friends have already found a place to sit. I'll bring them some food and drink. They must be very hungry from their journey. I see that the waiters are very upset. They have run out of wine. My Son smiles at me and greets me with the love only the Son can give. "Mother," he says. "Meet my friends." I smile and give them some bread and cheese. They are so hungry. I can see the waiters are trying to decide what to do. "Jesus, they have no more wine." Jesus stops eating and looks at me with His beautiful smile, "Woman, what would you have Me do? My hour has not yet come." I smiled at Jesus. I knew what He would do next, and He knew that I knew. Jesus would not refuse my request. His time had come. I called the waiters over. "Do whatever He tells you." Jesus smiled and sighed. He told the waiters to fill 6 pottery vessels with water, then to take the vessels to the head waiter. They did this. Then they knew. The water had been turned into the finest wine. There would be no embarrassment at this wedding. Jesus' new friends didn't know what to say. They didn't need to talk. I brought them more food to eat.
The Proclamation of the Gospel
After the wedding Jesus began to preach in temples and synagogues around Israel. He publicly cured the sick and cast out demons. He preached repentance, love, and joy to all that He met. Jesus forgave sinners their sin. Jesus and His friends did not travel to the Gentiles. He told me that there would be workers to do this later, but if a gentile came to Him with great faith, Jesus would heal them. He healed the centurion's servant. He healed the lepers. He healed the daughter of the gentile woman who came to Him and begged Jesus to heal her. Jesus saw her great faith and humility, and He healed her daughter. Jesus also raised the dead. Lazarus was His friend, yet, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill. He waited. He did not leave to heal him. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus was dead. My Jesus wept at the tomb. People asked why He did not come when He heard that Lazarus was ill. Jesus only replied, "Roll away the stone." Then He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus was brought back to life by my Son! Finally they knew, Jesus was the Son of God. Yet, so many hated Him and tried to harm Him, but they failed. Jesus only said, "My hour has not yet come."
Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
I knew it was time for my Son, Jesus, to leave home and begin His public ministry. I was elated that He would soon be revealed as the Promised Messiah, but I knew that He would suffer. The Father had been preparing both of us for this day. I felt a great deal of pain knowing that Jesus would suffer for love of His people, but I knew that salvation was at hand. I knew that Jesus would deliver His people from the depths of sin. John was born before Jesus. Elizabeth said that John jumped in her womb when I cradled Jesus in my womb. John says that he baptizes with water, but that the one who is to come will baptize with the Spirit. There's Jesus in the water with John being baptized. I see a great light forming over the head of my Son. The Father is speaking, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased."
The Wedding at Cana
I heard that Jesus is on His way with some of His followers. He was looking forward to this wedding feast. There He is! There's my Son! Jesus has brought some men with Him. They are the men that Jesus has chosen. I must welcome them. Jesus and His friends have already found a place to sit. I'll bring them some food and drink. They must be very hungry from their journey. I see that the waiters are very upset. They have run out of wine. My Son smiles at me and greets me with the love only the Son can give. "Mother," he says. "Meet my friends." I smile and give them some bread and cheese. They are so hungry. I can see the waiters are trying to decide what to do. "Jesus, they have no more wine." Jesus stops eating and looks at me with His beautiful smile, "Woman, what would you have Me do? My hour has not yet come." I smiled at Jesus. I knew what He would do next, and He knew that I knew. Jesus would not refuse my request. His time had come. I called the waiters over. "Do whatever He tells you." Jesus smiled and sighed. He told the waiters to fill 6 pottery vessels with water, then to take the vessels to the head waiter. They did this. Then they knew. The water had been turned into the finest wine. There would be no embarrassment at this wedding. Jesus' new friends didn't know what to say. They didn't need to talk. I brought them more food to eat.
The Proclamation of the Gospel
After the wedding Jesus began to preach in temples and synagogues around Israel. He publicly cured the sick and cast out demons. He preached repentance, love, and joy to all that He met. Jesus forgave sinners their sin. Jesus and His friends did not travel to the Gentiles. He told me that there would be workers to do this later, but if a gentile came to Him with great faith, Jesus would heal them. He healed the centurion's servant. He healed the lepers. He healed the daughter of the gentile woman who came to Him and begged Jesus to heal her. Jesus saw her great faith and humility, and He healed her daughter. Jesus also raised the dead. Lazarus was His friend, yet, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill. He waited. He did not leave to heal him. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus was dead. My Jesus wept at the tomb. People asked why He did not come when He heard that Lazarus was ill. Jesus only replied, "Roll away the stone." Then He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus was brought back to life by my Son! Finally they knew, Jesus was the Son of God. Yet, so many hated Him and tried to harm Him, but they failed. Jesus only said, "My hour has not yet come."
The Transfiguration
I did not see this, but Peter told me. He said that Jesus asked the three of them, Peter, James and John, to go up with Him to the mountain. He did not say why. Peter thought they were going to pray. Jesus loved to pray to His Father on the mountain top, in silence. When they reached the top of the mountain, Jesus became brilliant with light. The Apostles were frightened. They dropped to their knees. Then they say Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah! The mountain was full of electricity and light. Peter said there was no light as bright as this on earth. Then, Peter, oh, dear Peter, said,"It's a good thing we are here, Lord, so that we can build tents for You and Moses and Elijah." While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them up, and a voice form the cloud said, “This is My Beloved Son, Whom I love. With Him I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.” The Apostles were terrified and fell to their knees. At once the light was gone, and Jesus was alone. The Apostles did not know what to say or ask Jesus. Jesus knew their thoughts and confusion. He did tell them not to speak of this. They didn't.
The Institution of the Eucharist.
This moment was so sacred. The time for His Passion and Death were near. Jesus asked the Father to give me strength to bear this with Him. We both knew that it was for this reason He had been born. Jesus and His Apostles were celebrating the feast of the Passover in a room above a house. Just a few days before, Jesus had told His Apostles that He would soon be tortured and killed. Peter, dear Peter, swore that this would not happen and the he would die protecting Jesus. Jesus was overwhelmed with grief. He did not want to suffer and die, but for love of us, He would and He would suffer and die with great joy knowing that we would be saved through His death. He turned to Peter and said, "Get away from Me, satan." Peter was shocked at this rebuke. He knew he had offended Jesus, and he hung his head in shame. Now the time had come, and Jesus' hour was near. Before the meal began, Jesus took off his cloak, wrapped a towel around His waist and began to wash the feet of His friends. Jesus told them that no man was greater than the master. He told them to serve as He was serving. Again, dear Peter said to My Son, "Lord I am not worthy. You will not wash my feet." Jesus again rebuked Peter. Peter regretted what he had said. "Lord, not only my feet but my head as well." Then they all sat down to eat the unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Judas left. Before anyone spoke, Jesus pronounced the prayers that had been said for centuries in our history, then He took the bread. He broke the bread and gave it to His Apostles saying, "Take this and eat of it. For this is My Body of the new covenant. Do this in remembrance of Me." No one spoke as Jesus gave each Apostle His Body. Then He took the wine and said, "This is My Blood which will be shed for You. Do this in remembrance of Me." The Apostles drank the Blood of My Son. My Heart began to shred. When the meal was finished, Jesus and His Apostles left for the Garden.
I did not see this, but Peter told me. He said that Jesus asked the three of them, Peter, James and John, to go up with Him to the mountain. He did not say why. Peter thought they were going to pray. Jesus loved to pray to His Father on the mountain top, in silence. When they reached the top of the mountain, Jesus became brilliant with light. The Apostles were frightened. They dropped to their knees. Then they say Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah! The mountain was full of electricity and light. Peter said there was no light as bright as this on earth. Then, Peter, oh, dear Peter, said,"It's a good thing we are here, Lord, so that we can build tents for You and Moses and Elijah." While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them up, and a voice form the cloud said, “This is My Beloved Son, Whom I love. With Him I AM well pleased. Listen to Him.” The Apostles were terrified and fell to their knees. At once the light was gone, and Jesus was alone. The Apostles did not know what to say or ask Jesus. Jesus knew their thoughts and confusion. He did tell them not to speak of this. They didn't.
The Institution of the Eucharist.
This moment was so sacred. The time for His Passion and Death were near. Jesus asked the Father to give me strength to bear this with Him. We both knew that it was for this reason He had been born. Jesus and His Apostles were celebrating the feast of the Passover in a room above a house. Just a few days before, Jesus had told His Apostles that He would soon be tortured and killed. Peter, dear Peter, swore that this would not happen and the he would die protecting Jesus. Jesus was overwhelmed with grief. He did not want to suffer and die, but for love of us, He would and He would suffer and die with great joy knowing that we would be saved through His death. He turned to Peter and said, "Get away from Me, satan." Peter was shocked at this rebuke. He knew he had offended Jesus, and he hung his head in shame. Now the time had come, and Jesus' hour was near. Before the meal began, Jesus took off his cloak, wrapped a towel around His waist and began to wash the feet of His friends. Jesus told them that no man was greater than the master. He told them to serve as He was serving. Again, dear Peter said to My Son, "Lord I am not worthy. You will not wash my feet." Jesus again rebuked Peter. Peter regretted what he had said. "Lord, not only my feet but my head as well." Then they all sat down to eat the unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Judas left. Before anyone spoke, Jesus pronounced the prayers that had been said for centuries in our history, then He took the bread. He broke the bread and gave it to His Apostles saying, "Take this and eat of it. For this is My Body of the new covenant. Do this in remembrance of Me." No one spoke as Jesus gave each Apostle His Body. Then He took the wine and said, "This is My Blood which will be shed for You. Do this in remembrance of Me." The Apostles drank the Blood of My Son. My Heart began to shred. When the meal was finished, Jesus and His Apostles left for the Garden.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Mary's Memories:: Meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries
Mary’s Memories
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
I felt my heart begin to break when I knew Jesus and His Apostles had left for the Garden after supper. The Apostles were uneasy. They sensed that My Son was sorrowful. He had warned them that He would be killed, but they did not believe. I fell to my knees with the other women and we began to pray. Jesus began to suffer in the Garden. He felt the weight of sin on his shoulders and satan was there to tempt Him again. Jesus was sorrowful beyond words. I could feel His sorrow in my heart. How he could bear the weight I do not know. I’ve never known such sorrow. He asked His Father to let this cup pass, but the Father withdrew. Jesus accepted His cup for love of us. His soul was at peace, but He knew what was to come. When they came to arrest Him, My Jesus identified Himself to the soldiers of the temple. They began to beat Him. When Peter tried to stop this by cutting off the ear of the soldier, Jesus reminded Peter that this had to come about. He healed the soldier’s ear, and the other soldiers were stunned. satan had his hour. My Son was beaten and taken to both Herod and Pilate. My Jesus, My Beautiful Son! My heart weeps. My heart weeps when I see You. My precious Child. I love You!
The Scourging at the Pillar.
How could I look? Jesus did not look like Himself. His beautiful face was swollen and bruised. His eye was swollen shut. When asked about the charges, Jesus would not answer. Pilate tried to calm the crowds. He knew that Jesus did not do anything wrong, but he was afraid. He ordered Jesus to be scourged. My Son! My Son! You are the Son of God, but they do not know You! There are those who were cheering You and calling You the Messiah, and now they are calling for your death? My Son! I am here. I hear the whips as they strike Your flesh. I feel the whips as they rip into Your flesh. I see the blood flow from Your skin. Your flesh is hanging in shreds, and they continue to beat You. The sear of the air on Your wounds brings tears to My eyes. My Son, how do You bear this pain? They want to kill You. Pilate did not order that. My God! My God! Protect Your Son! I am weak. How much more weak are You, My beautiful Child? At last, the beatings have stopped and the soldiers are giving You back Your clothing that is soaked with your blood. You can barely walk. You lost so much blood! Is this the mission Your Father gave to You? I see You looking at me. I am here, My Son! I am here. Be strong! I. am. here.
The Crowning with Thorns
I didn’t realize that they could find new ways to torture You. Now, they are mocking You? They are laughing at You and calling You the King of the Jews? My Son, You are a King. You will not show them, but You continue to pray for them and forgive them. My Son, You are My God, too.
Does Your love know an end? Your love for us is unending. I am with You as you walk this road. I am here. What is that in the soldier’s hand? Is that supposed to be a crown? I thought the mocking and the spitting were enough, now they are going to crown You with thorns? How can they torture Love? Oh, my Jesus! I don’t know that I can bear this! They have pulled Your clothes away again. The bleeding has started again. Oh, your most precious blood hits the ground! They are giving you a purple robe? Oh, My Son! They mock You even more! They laugh. They don’t know. Yet, you pray for them, and You have forgiven them. My Jesus, Your love is beyond all measure. I die each time they harm You. I must forgive them as You have forgiven them. My Jesus! My Son! I am here with You.
The Carrying of the Cross
They have condemned You to die. Pilate was afraid of the crowd. They screamed for Your death and asked for Barabbas. You who have done no wrong. You who are Love. They screamed for Your death, and Pilate gave in. His wife warned Pilate to have nothing to do with You. She knows You. She loves You. I see her in the window weeping as Pilate condemns you to death. Pilate has washed his hands of You. He is turning You over to be killed. They drag You through the streets. You are so weak. How can You walk? Your body has been beaten and you’ve lost so much blood? My Dearest Son! They have condemned Love! They have condemned Love! I must forgive as You forgive. Now, I must watch You die. How can You carry the cross? John will get me closer to You. You must know that I am here with You! I will help You with Your cross. John will get me closer to You. Oh, Jesus, My Son, my heart breaks as I see Your disfigured face. I see Your flesh hanging from Your body. I see Your blood soaked garments. I see Your eyes, and You see mine. I cannot get close enough to help You. John will take care of me. Have no worries. I forgive as You have forgiven. My beautiful Son. You are love, and they hate You. They do not realize what they are doing. The soldiers have forced Simeon to help You. He does not understand the great graces You have given Him. He knows that You will die. You know that You will die. Even as the torture continues, You forgive. My Jesus, My Son, My God! I love You.
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
My Son, My Son. The nails have pierced Your Hands and Feet. The soldiers have allowed us to be closer to You now. There is not turning back. The soldiers continue to mock You. They are even casting lots for Your clothes which are stained with Your most precious blood. The Jewish leaders are screaming at You. They want You to prove You are God and come off the cross by yourself. My Jesus! How do you bear this pain? I am not sure I can bear this pain, yet You bear this without complaint. My Son, I do forgive them. You have forgiven them. You have promised one thief that he will join You in Paradise today. The other, You have offered the chance for forgiveness. He has refused You. My heart continues to break. I kiss Your feet. They are so cold and blue. You are shivering in the cold. You’ve asked for something to drink, but they give you a drink to numb Your pain. You refuse that. You are willing to take the pain of sin completely on You. My Son! My Son! My heart is broken. Yet, You are still my strength. Your breath is so shallow now. Your pain is so great. I dare not touch You for fear of causing You pain. I see Your eyes as You hang on that cross. I must touch You. It’s almost the third hour now. I see Your eyes closing. I hear You call out to Your Father. Jesus, He has not abandoned You, even if He did, I will not, but He has not abandoned You. You are one with Him. He feels Your pain, and He weeps. My Jesus! You have died. My heart breaks for love of You. The earth has quacked. The temple is greatly damaged. My Son, You are truly dead! Your body is cold and is beginning to stiffen. My Jesus! We will lay You to rest soon. Come back! Come back! I need You. My tears are like cold rain drops. The rain has been falling. Your body is washed. Your Father has washed His Son’s Body. You lay here in my arms. I do not want to let You go. John reminds me that he is now my son and that I am his mother. We must go. Once the Sabbath has passed, Your body will be prepared for death. There is very little time now. John touches my arm. We must leave. He weeps as I do. You are love. Your mission is finished. My heart is broken.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Worth Revisiting: Mary's Memories: Meditations on the Joyful Mysteries
Pope John Paul II wrote of “Mary’s Memories” in the Rosary. In his Apostolic letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” St. John Paul wrote,
“Mary lived with her eyes fixed on Christ, treasuring his every word: “She kept all these things, pondering them in her heart” (Lk 2:19; cf. 2:51). The memories of Jesus, impressed upon her heart, were always with her, leading her to reflect on the various moments of her life at her Son’s side. In a way those memories were to be the “rosary” which she recited uninterruptedly throughout her earthly life.”
I wrote these Meditations on the Joyful
Mysteries of the Rosary. As I wrote, I tried to look at these mysteries
through Mary’s eyes. Of course, these responses are fictional. I am
writing these, not Mary. Let us look at Mary and see her Son.
The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
I was praying, thanking God for all of His goodness and mercies. I
heard my name whispered in the wind. I opened my eyes and I saw a being
of light in front of me. He greeted me by saying, “Hail, full of
grace.” I was surprised by such a greeting. He was so beautiful. I
knew he was from God. He told me his name was Gabriel. He told me that
I was blessed among women. He said that I would bear a son, the
Promised One, and that I would name Him, Jesus. I was very surprised. I
didn’t understand how this could be since I had not known man. He said
that the power of the Holy Spirit would come upon me. This is how I
would conceive my Son, the Holy one of God. I replied that it should be
done according to God’s Will. When the angel left, I knew I was with
The Visitation
Gabriel also told me that my cousin, Elizabeth, who was beyond the
age of bearing children was going to have a son! I was so excited! He
said that Elizabeth was in her sixth month. I knew that I had to go
help her. I sought permission, and I was allowed to go to take care of
her. The journey was difficult, but the Babe in my womb made my travels
easier. I didn’t know what Joseph would think when I returned, but I
knew that God would take care of my precious Son, His Son, and me. When
I saw Elizabeth she was great with child, and she knew I was pregnant.
She said that her son jumped in her womb when we arrived. God is so
good! Elizabeth and I immediately fell into prayer praising God for
these miracle children of ours! Elizabeth knew that my Son was her
Savior! God is so good! I stayed until John was born. Now, I could
see that my body had changed. My parents and Joseph would know that I
was with child. God would take care of us.
The Birth of Jesus
Joseph is such a wonderful husband! He said that an angel came to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take me for his wife. The angel told him that this baby would be the promised Messiah. That next morning, Joseph brought me home. Now, we are on a journey to Bethlehem where Joseph must register for the census. I am great with child now. I feel so tired. Joseph has been so kind. He bought a donkey so that I could ride. My Son kicks so much. I think He’s ready to be born, too! I know He’s a King, but only Joseph and I know that. He should be born in a palace, but Joseph was only able to find a stable. I know my time has come. My Babe will begin his life in poverty for Joseph and I do not have wealth. We only have love. My Son will be rich in love. The angels have surrounded me now. Joseph is outside waiting. The angels will bring Jesus into this world, and they do. I do not need a midwife. God is watching over us. Joseph heard the first cry of his foster child, and he ran into to meet the Son of God. Joseph could hear the angels singing, too. There is great joy in heaven. Joseph fell to his knees adoring and worshiping the Son of God!! God’s Son is born. I wrapped Jesus in all the blankets we brought with us. I hold Him close to my heart. He’s a beautiful baby! We adore Jesus! He is our God and our Son. The Father is so good to us!
Joseph is such a wonderful husband! He said that an angel came to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take me for his wife. The angel told him that this baby would be the promised Messiah. That next morning, Joseph brought me home. Now, we are on a journey to Bethlehem where Joseph must register for the census. I am great with child now. I feel so tired. Joseph has been so kind. He bought a donkey so that I could ride. My Son kicks so much. I think He’s ready to be born, too! I know He’s a King, but only Joseph and I know that. He should be born in a palace, but Joseph was only able to find a stable. I know my time has come. My Babe will begin his life in poverty for Joseph and I do not have wealth. We only have love. My Son will be rich in love. The angels have surrounded me now. Joseph is outside waiting. The angels will bring Jesus into this world, and they do. I do not need a midwife. God is watching over us. Joseph heard the first cry of his foster child, and he ran into to meet the Son of God. Joseph could hear the angels singing, too. There is great joy in heaven. Joseph fell to his knees adoring and worshiping the Son of God!! God’s Son is born. I wrapped Jesus in all the blankets we brought with us. I hold Him close to my heart. He’s a beautiful baby! We adore Jesus! He is our God and our Son. The Father is so good to us!
The Presentation
My child must be given back to God today. Joseph and I will go to
the temple and pay our tribute to the temple to ransom our Son. I must
be purified too. Joseph feels he can take care of Jesus while I take
the ritual bath. He still seems a little nervous, though. Joseph asked
me last night if I thought that he would be able to teach Jesus
anything. I know that Joseph will teach him so much! Jesus will be a
carpenter like his father. We enter the temple. The women of the
temple tell me how beautiful Jesus is. This makes both Joseph and I
proud. We don’t have much money. Joseph gave me his food last night,
and he didn’t eat. Later I saw Jesus asleep in Joseph’s arms. I
smiled. God is so good! Simeon stopped us as we walked into the
temple. He said that God could take him now because God had kept His
promise that he, Simeon, would not die until he beheld the Messiah.
Simeon also told me that my Son would be the rise and fall of many and
that a sword would pierce my heart. Yet, Simeon’s face glowed when he
held Jesus. I believe that what he spoke is true for I felt the scrape
of a knife on my heart at that moment.
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Every year we travel to Jerusalem with our families in a caravan.
Jesus enjoys His cousins, and He loves my mother’s bread! Jesus always
finds His way to the fires where Mother cooks. Jesus is a good boy.
He always waits until He is offered bread from Grandmother, then He eats
it so fast! Grand Mother loves her Grandson! Everyone seems to love
Jesus! Our visit to the temple is prayerful and holy. Jesus was with
the men this year. He became a man! Jesus, my child, is a man
according to our traditions. We have all gathered to go home, and it’s
time to leave. I don’t see Jesus, but He is probably with His cousins.
I don’t see them either. Joseph said not to worry about Him. He needs
to be given the respect of a man now. He knows that Jesus will be at
His grandmother’s cooking fires for supper. We traveled the entire
day. Evening has come and I still haven’t seen Jesus. I asked Mother
if Jesus had been here. She told me that she hadn’t seen Him all day.
He usually finds her to give her a hug. It’s then that Joseph and I
realized that Jesus is not with the caravan. We can’t go back tonight.
We have to wait until morning.
Joseph is very upset. We reached Jerusalem the next evening. We
looked for Jesus among the people we knew who were still there. They
had not seen Jesus. We found a place to stay, and Joseph promised me
that we would continue our search in the morning. We both rose at
dawn. I had been in prayer most of the night. Joseph slept fitfully.
We searched and searched. We reached the temple and decided to go in to
pray for our Son’s safety. As we entered the Temple, we both saw Jesus
and ran to him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Joseph so upset. He
couldn’t even talk. Jesus smiled at both of us. I said to Jesus, “Your
father and I have been searching for You.” Jesus looked at me. He
looked confused. He didn’t seem to understand why Joseph was so upset.
Jesus said to me, “Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father’s
business?” The elders in the temple took Joseph aside. Joseph told me
later that the elders told him that Jesus was wise beyond His years.
They wanted Joseph to consider leaving Him at the temple to be educated
in the law. Joseph, thanked them for being so kind. I could see that
Joseph was calm now. Joseph said that Jesus would be returning with us
to Nazareth. The elders understood. We left the temple as a family and
began our second journey home.
Pray the Rosary!
Monday, May 11, 2015
What Does Jesus Ask of Us?

1) Love God above all else.
2) Love our Neighbor as we love ourselves.
Could it be easier than this?
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
A Mother's Care
Is this a spider or what?
Actually, it's an Air Plant.
This is the kind of plant that grows only on air?
Actually, no, it doesn't.
Even though it is called an
Air Plant,
an Air Plant does require watering.
The directions recommend
rinsing the plant under running water and wetting it down completely, at least once a week.
(Oooops! I knew I forgot something!)
Then, the directions say, that the plant should be soaked in a water bath for, at least, 20-30 minutes on a weekly basis.
The directions continue by saying that, if you forget to do this, or you live in a very dry climate, you should mist your plant frequently and rinse it under a spray of water, 2-3 times per week.
In addition to this, you should soak your plant, weekly, in a water bath, for 2 hours.
After that, you should allow the Air Plant to dry out completely, in circulating air, for 4 hours.
(I thought this was going to be an easy plant to grow!)
All that aside, this silly, little Air Plant, made me think of Our Lady,
Mother of God,
and how she takes care of her children.
She is always available to give us her love.
(The misting and the watering, when she mists and waters, Mary does this with the Living Waters of Jesus.)
If we need it, she will let us soak in the love of her
Immaculate Heart
to fortify and strengthen us.
If we ask her for something, we can be assured that she will take it to her Son for us.
He must smile when she goes to Him with her arms full of requests from her children!
If we are dry, due to a sin condition, or we are in a state of aridity,
Mother Mary
will mist us more frequently each day.
She will let us soak in the living waters of Jesus longer and longer
so that we will be
armed for battle
ready to grow in the Love of God.
She has told visionaries,
"If you knew how much I loved you, you would cry for joy!"
I'm not sure we can actually realize this great love that our
has for us,
when we see her as our true
and she is the Mother of God who is Love,
then we might begin to realize how much she loves her children.
Now, my tillandsias (Air Plant), needs a better mother.
I guess it's time to change.
I'm glad I read the directions again.
I don't think Our Mother needs directions.
Her heart is full of love for us,
and that's all that matters.
I suspect that if we asked her for refuge in her Immaculate Heart,
we would never be turned away.
Say a Rosary and invite your Mom in for tea.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
'Tis the Month of Our Lady...
Do you remember singing this song at a
May Crowning?
I do.
All Hail! to thee, dear Mary,
the guardian of our way;
To the fairest of all Queens,
Be the fairest of seasons, sweet May.
All Hail! to thee, dear Mary,
the guardian of our way;
To the fairest of all Queens,
Be the fairest of seasons, sweet May.
In grade school, we all, and by all I mean, all 6th grade girls,
wanted to crown Our Lady at the annual May Crowning.
We knew she was our Mother.
We knew she loved us.
We knew that if we offered our prayers to her, she would take them to Jesus for us.
We had a great devotion to her.
In April, our devotion soared to new levels.
We walked with our rosaries out at lunch and recited the rosary so the good sisters would see us.
We would ask the nuns if we could stay after school to help them or help a student who was
"struggling" with their studies.
We asked if we could dust the altar at church,
we all joined the Junior Altar Society.
Oh, they were on to us, those nuns.
They heard us singing softly in the halls,
and not so softly as we walked past the principal's office,
" 'Tis the month of our Mother."
There was only one chance at this,
we were giving it our
We had waited 6 years for this honor,
we were all determined.
It was an honor to be chosen.
I remember the day when our classmate was chosen.
We, who thought we were so clever,
were stunned.
She was not "in" with the "in crowd."
She was not a popular girl.
Not many of us had noticed her this year.
She was quiet.
When she talked, she talked funny.
She had joined the Junior Altar Society when she had transferred to our school, and
she had to be told over and over what to do.
Her parents weren't rich.
She didn't have sleep overs.
None of us thought she was fun.
She didn't get in trouble.
She didn't complain.
She had weird eyes.
Her name was announced over the loud speaker by our principal.
There was an audible gasp in the room.
No had ever dreamed...
but her name was called.
We all looked at each other,
then we looked at her.
"Not fair," someone whispered.
She didn't say anything,
then, we saw something.
She was crying soft, gentle tears.
We sat there shamed.
Sister looked at all of us,
then she invited Maria to come to the front of the room.
Maria was still weeping.
We politely applauded her victory.
The bell rang, and it was time to go home.
Stunned, we filed out of the room in silence, for a change.
No one knew what to say.
There was a mistake made, there had to be.
Maria wasn't popular.
Maria was the wrong choice.
I was picking up my book bag when Sister Bernadette called me back into the room.
Maria was sitting at her desk.
"I'm going to call your mother, shortly. Will you tell her that when you get home?"
Boy, I knew I was in trouble now.
"You and Maria are about the same size, aren't you?"
I nodded.
"Maria doesn't have a dress to wear for the May Crowning tomorrow. Do you think you would be willing to lend her one to wear?"
"I guess," I said not too happily. "Maybe she could use my shoes, too."
Sister Mary Bernadette, just smiled.
"That would be very kind of you."
Maria finally smiled. She was out the door now.
Her eyes were so weird. How could they have picked her?
Sister Bernadette spoke to me again.
"You're better than this. Maria's family is very poor. I'm pleased that you are willing to help her out."
I was still pouting.
"What's wrong with her eyes?" I asked.
Maria has a condition called Downs Syndrome.
"What does that mean?"
Sister replied, "It means she has a very difficult time learning. If she wasn't in school, she'd be in an institution."
"Oh," I said.
"She was the right choice this year."
"I don't think so."
Sister sighed.
"Yes, she was. She's so happy. She probably won't be able to go on in school. She just can't learn. We're trying to teach her how to clean houses and cook at the convent. I'll bet you didn't know that."
"Why are you doing that?" I asked.
"Because one day she will need a place to live. Her mom is trying to find a good place for her to live before she dies. Her mother has cancer. She won't live much longer."
I was still pouting, but Sister Bernadette had my interest now.
Sister Bernadette reminded me, "Are you going to confession on Saturday?"
"I don't know."
"Look up the term 'selfishness' in the dictionary. Ask yourself if it applies to you."
"Is it a sin?"
I wanted to go home.
"Will you do me a favor?"
"I guess."
"Will you pray the Rosary so that Maria is able to crown Mary tomorrow without the kids making fun of her?"
I hesitated.
Sister said, "This is the only time in her life when she will be able to do this."
"All right."
"Thank you. Now, you can go home. Be kind to her, please. Your mother told me to call when we needed something like this."
"I'll tell her."
Sister Bernadette called my Mom, and Maria's Dad brought her over to try on the dress.
I cringed. It was my most beautiful dress, ever!
I really wanted to crown Mary!
I had to admit that Maria looked beautiful in that blue dress.
I found my First Communion veil in the closet.
"Can we add this?" I asked.
Mom asked me, "Do you mind if I make some changes to it, so it will look like a beautiful veil instead of a first communion veil?"
No, I really didn't.
We said the Rosary that night as a family. We all offered the Rosary up so the kids wouldn't be mean to Maria tomorrow.
There was a happy ending, of sorts.
There were still some girls who were mean to Maria.
One of them called her a "retard" as Maria waited in the back of the church. I wanted to sock her in the nose, but
I saw Mother Mary's face. I saw her kind eyes. I couldn't.
I grabbed Maria's hand, and Sister said I could wait with her in the back of the Church.
It became my job to tell her when to walk down the aisle to crown Mary.
The music started. I told Maria to start walking down the aisle.
She smiled at me. She was halfway down the aisle, when she stopped.
I thought, "Oh, no! She doesn't know what to do."
Maria turned around and walked back to me.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the aisle with her.
I was terrified.
I looked at Sister who just smiled.
The girl who carried the crown was waiting quietly at the statue of Mary.
Maria and I walked together down the aisle.
I saw Maria's mother in the front of the church, in a wheel chair. She was smiling so hard that I thought her face would break.
Maria kept pulling me down the aisle with her.
When we got to the statue of Mary, Maria climbed on the stepping stool so that she would be able to reach the top of the Virgin's head. She held my hand firmly.
The other girl brought the crown to Maria. Maria took the crown of flowers with one hand and pulled me up on the stepping stool with her. She put my hand on the other side of the crown,
and together, we crowned the Queen.
Now, it was my turn to cry.
Many years later, my mother told me that there were many parents who called the school and were upset about Maria crowning Mary.
She told me that they were even more upset that I had helped her.
I guess Sister Mary Mathias, our principal, had tried to placate the parents, but no one was happy.
That summer, a lot of my friends changed schools. Some went to public schools. Some went to private schools.
Most of them didn't come back.
I didn't have many friends, but I had some. All of the other girls had things to do when I called. I didn't care. They had been so mean to Maria, it didn't matter to me.
I went to the convent and asked about Maria. She was happy to see me.
She had a job already. She was helping the sisters cook and clean. Her mother had died two weeks after the May Crowning. Maria's dad told Mom, that in her last hours she prayed for me because I was so kind to Maria.
I didn't know what to say.
I walked by the park after I saw Maria. There were so many snapdragons blooming, I decided that no one would miss a few.
I picked a small bouquet, and sprinted to Church. I didn't have a chapel veil, so I snuck in very quietly. No one was there. I only had my ribbon, so I tied the flowers into a bundle with the ribbon.
I put them at the feet of Our Lady.
I thanked her for sending Maria into my life. I was glad Maria had a place to call home now.
Sister Bernadette told me later, that they were going to make Maria a nun so that she would always have a home. Maria understood enough of our faith for that to happen.
I smiled. Maria was okay, and so was I.
So, was I.
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