St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's Not My Favorite Thing to Do....

My dog, Pixie, was a gift from God and the best dog I could have owned at a very difficult time in our lives.
Pixie's job has been to bring great happiness and joy into our lives and the lives of others
to get along with two bossy cats
for long periods of time.
She's not aware of her job,
loving people 
allowing bossy cats to be dominant 
comes naturally to her.  
She did great in her job as a
therapy dog
working with hospice patients.
She also did well by allowing two bossy cats to be the 
"top dog"
in their relationship.
One cat, Walter, made up his mind that Pixie would be his friend, and that was that.  Pixie would often look at me with eyes pleading,
"Help!" when Walter would insist on snuggling with her.  She was not given a choice.
The other cat, Fred, does not like her, and he hisses at her and refuses to allow her free passage past him.  When I walk her past Fred, he glares at me, but he knows I'm not afraid of him.
Marvin, the third cat in the equation, really doesn't care.  He simply ignores the drama and cuddles with my daughter.  
Now, Pixie is a senior cat.  She's 11.  She's developed a stenosis in her back which requires her to take medications that upset her tummy.  Her tummy is now very sensitive to foods that are good for her.
I'm forced to make her food, and she's picky!!!
Mother Teresa said,

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

So, I make Pixie her food.
Pixie is not aware of her job on earth, but she's done it well.
Her love for people has brought joy to them.
On social media, she still makes people smile.
She's doing a great job!

I'd rather buy her food than make her food.

For me, it's a big thing.
One a life scale, making Pixie's food is a small sacrifice.
It's not a great thing, but if I offer this with great love,
making Pixie's food will become a big thing!

Lord, it's not what I would like to be doing now, but it is in thanksgiving that I offer this act of making Pixie's food to You.  Thank you for the gift of her!
I know that one day, and it might not be that far away, Pixie will die.  That will be Your Will.
  She was born with a task, and she has served You well.
Lord, I hope that someday, You will say that I served You, as well as, Pixie has done.

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