St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

5 Ways to Pray

God is real.
One of the best ways to know 
is to pray.
How do we pray?
1) We can use words or not.
We have our traditional prayers:
The Apostles Creed
The Our Father
The Hail Mary
The Glory Be
The Fatima Prayer
The Hail Holy Queen
(You say all of these prayer when you pray the rosary.) 
There are many other beautiful prayers in the treasury we call the Catholic Church.
2) We must participate in the Mass. 
This, the greatest prayer, involves our minds, our hearts, our souls, and our bodies.
Here we worship God with other Catholics.
Here our priests consecrate the bread and water into the  
Body and Blood
Ours is the only Church who has our God with us, not only during Mass, but waiting for us in the Tabernacle in the Church.

3) We can sit in silence during Eucharistic Adoration and let God love us.
We can sit in silence and love God.
We can sit in silence and let God look at us with His Eyes of Love.
We can sit in silence and look at God with eyes of love.
4) We can read  Sacred Scripture and think about what God is telling us as we read His Words.
(This is called Lectio Divina.)
You begin by praying and asking God to lead you where He wants you to be in prayer.
You choose a verse or two of sacred scripture and read it.
Ask yourself, what is God saying to you?  Which words jump out at you?
Read the verse again.  What is God saying to you?
You might want to jot down your ideas.
End your prayer time in Thanksgiving and Praise.

5) We can pray using our imagination.  If you are not familiar with the stories of the Bible, choose one and read it.  You might need to read the story more than once to become very familiar with it
When you feel that you know the story, close your eyes and put yourself in the story.
Walk with Jesus.  Talk with Him.  Ask Him questions.
Follow Him as His Disciples did.
Smell the air.
See the Sea of Galilee.
Touch the hem of Jesus' clothing.
Hear Him speaking.
Taste the bread that is being served to the thousands.
You will come to know Jesus in a way you have never been able to know Him before.
That's mental prayer.

However, you choose to pray, 
There are other methods of prayer.
Explore prayer.
Always pray.
Pray daily.





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