The Church Militant, The Church Suffering, The Church Triumphant
These terms are the terms I learned when growing up and learning about our Catholic Faith. Although not used in the modern Catechism, they are referred to by their meanings, not the terms.
The Church Militant is we who are alive and battling the battle, fighting the fight against sin each day. We are the part of the Church who can still intercede for those who have died and speed their entry into heaven.
The Church Suffering refers to those souls who have been saved but are suffering in Purgatory, waiting to be cleansed, longing for the day they can be united with God.
The Church Triumphant are those souls who have been purified and live in heaven praising God and interceding for those of us on earth and in Purgatory.
We are all united as a part of the Church, the Catholic Church, founded by Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Two days of the year are devoted prayer and thanksgiving for those souls who are saints. We celebrate the lives of the known saints who were canonized by the church and bear the title Saint before their names. We also celebrate the unknown saints who are in heaven. When we enter heaven, we will also be saints! Most of us will be unknown saints. Will that matter? No, we will be in the presence of God! What a joy to anticipate! November 1 is All Saints Day, and it is a holy day of obligation for us. Since the souls who have passed into heaven no longer need our prayers, we praise God for the gift of these souls who can now and do intercede for us. We praise God for the chance to join these souls one day and breathe in the presence of The Lord!
November 2, is All Souls' Day. This is the day we remember the suffering souls in Purgatory. The souls in purgatory can no longer help themselves, so we must pray for all the souls that their release from Purgatory will be fast and they will enter into the presence of God for which they long! How great is their longing for God! When we pray for these souls, we pray for those who will be intercessors for us in heaven, and they will greet us when we enter the Kingdom of God! Offer masses for these souls. Pray for these souls. Have masses said for your beloved dead. Have masses said for those who are not your beloved dead. Your love will reciprocated not only by the souls whom you help, but by our Loving, Generous God! He will not be out done in love, generosity, and graces!
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, told St Gertrude the Great, that this prayer will release 1,000 souls from Purgatory each time it is prayed. Make a novena of this prayer, and you will help to release 9,000 souls in one day!
Honor your dead! Love your dead! Pray for our dead! Our church gives us a chance to honor and remember our dead through the month of November! Let us use this chance to draw closer to God and to the souls who have gone before us into eternal life!
All Praise and Honor be to the Precious Blood of Jesus, for it wrought our salvation and our redemption. Amen
St. Michael Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Glory to God in the Highest!
Glory to God in the Highest!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Living the Gospels
I recently heard this story.
Joe has a friend named Mark. Mark was recently diagnosed with throat cancer. Joe held a fundraiser at the tavern he owns to help out with some costs that Mark is facing as he battles cancer. Nick, a friend of Joe's, attended the fund raiser. Nick was wearing a Blackhawk's shirt that says "Hockey Fights Cancer". Joe saw the shirt and pointed it out to Mark and his parents. As the evening came closer to the end, Nick pulled Joe aside and asked if Mark was a Blackhawk's fan. Joe replied that Mark was a huge Blackhawk's fan. Nick asked Joe to grab one of the shirts from behind the bar for him. Joe did. Nick took the shirt off his back and gave it to Mark. Mark loved the shirt!
This story makes me proud. Nick is my son!
Luke 10: 29-37
But because he wanted to justify himself, he (the scholar) said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise, a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, "Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back. Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim? He (the scholar) answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise.”
#living the gospels
Joe has a friend named Mark. Mark was recently diagnosed with throat cancer. Joe held a fundraiser at the tavern he owns to help out with some costs that Mark is facing as he battles cancer. Nick, a friend of Joe's, attended the fund raiser. Nick was wearing a Blackhawk's shirt that says "Hockey Fights Cancer". Joe saw the shirt and pointed it out to Mark and his parents. As the evening came closer to the end, Nick pulled Joe aside and asked if Mark was a Blackhawk's fan. Joe replied that Mark was a huge Blackhawk's fan. Nick asked Joe to grab one of the shirts from behind the bar for him. Joe did. Nick took the shirt off his back and gave it to Mark. Mark loved the shirt!
This story makes me proud. Nick is my son!
Luke 10: 29-37
But because he wanted to justify himself, he (the scholar) said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise, a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, "Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back. Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim? He (the scholar) answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise.”
#living the gospels
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sometimes God Needs to Remind You...
My ankle seems to be healing, but I can't fit into my shoes. Wearing slippers is my new norm since the fall down the stairs. I'd rather be wearing my shoes, but even loose sandals are impossible because of the swelling in my foot. I have been embarrassed wearing my slippers, especially when attending Mass.
This morning, as I hobbled into church before morning Mass, I met a friend who saw me limping, and, of course, wearing my slippers. She asked me what happened. I told her the story, with a touch of whining, looking for a bit of sympathy. At the end of the story I added, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church twice."
Julia looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Well, praise God. At least you're here." She smiled and went on her way. "Praise God." Oh, my, a moment of humility enveloped me. "At least, you're here." Yes, I was at Mass. I was able to drive. I was able to get to church without help. I didn't break a hip or any other bone. Yes, "Praise God." I entered Church ready for Mass.
Later in the morning, I went to our local Post Office. Laurie was there manning her desk. She saw me limp in wearing my slippers. Laurie asked me what happened. I told the story again adding, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church, twice now."
Laurie looked me square in the eye and said, "At least, you were able to go to church." Oh, my! God, being God, reminded me again. "Be grateful. It could have been much worse." I smiled and left again enveloped in His gift of humility. Sometimes God reminds me of what I should already know.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for reminding me of Your Unending Love. Thank you for giving me these moments of humility. I was not grateful, but now, I am. I do praise You! I thank You! My Lord, My God, My All!
This morning, as I hobbled into church before morning Mass, I met a friend who saw me limping, and, of course, wearing my slippers. She asked me what happened. I told her the story, with a touch of whining, looking for a bit of sympathy. At the end of the story I added, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church twice."
Julia looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Well, praise God. At least you're here." She smiled and went on her way. "Praise God." Oh, my, a moment of humility enveloped me. "At least, you're here." Yes, I was at Mass. I was able to drive. I was able to get to church without help. I didn't break a hip or any other bone. Yes, "Praise God." I entered Church ready for Mass.
Later in the morning, I went to our local Post Office. Laurie was there manning her desk. She saw me limp in wearing my slippers. Laurie asked me what happened. I told the story again adding, "and I've had to wear my slippers to church, twice now."
Laurie looked me square in the eye and said, "At least, you were able to go to church." Oh, my! God, being God, reminded me again. "Be grateful. It could have been much worse." I smiled and left again enveloped in His gift of humility. Sometimes God reminds me of what I should already know.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for reminding me of Your Unending Love. Thank you for giving me these moments of humility. I was not grateful, but now, I am. I do praise You! I thank You! My Lord, My God, My All!
living the virtues,
Monday, October 28, 2013
Do You Have What it Takes to Trust in God?

Learning to trust God is a decision. If you have ever heard the expression, “Fake it ‘till you make it,” make the decision that you will trust God. When there is a desire to trust God, make the decision to trust God, in time and with prayer, trust will develop.
Remember, trust is a gift from God. Pray for the gift of trust. Remember that God has a plan for each soul. Your journey is different from any other soul you meet. Remember this, and do not compare yourself to any one else. Ask God for the gift of trust in His Almighty Will. Tell God you love Him, then step aside and let God be God. You will begin to feel God’s Loving Hand in your life, and you will begin to trust.
When there are setbacks, and you feel, again, that God has abandoned you, stop fear in its path. Whisper a prayer of trust to Jesus. “Jesus, I trust in You.” Ask, again, for the gift of trust. Pull yourself off the broken path, ask for the intercession of the Mother of God, and pray until your fear is relieved. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Mother Theresa used to say in her darkest times, “Jesus, I trust in Your tender love for me.”
Saint Faustina prayed as Jesus taught her, “Oh, Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You.”
When you need reinforcement, read Sacred Scripture. The psalms are a magnificent source of prayers of trust in God.
Psalm 27:
The Lord is My Light and my salvation,
whom do I fear?
The Lord is my life’s refuge;
of whom am I afraid?
Psalm 23: 4
Even though I walk through a dark valley,
I fear no harm, for You are at my side,
Your rod and staff give me courage.
The facts are these:
God loves you.
God has a plan for you.
God wants you to be with Him in heaven.
If you ask God for the graces that will bring you closer to Him, God will grant you those graces. “Ask and you shall receive.” Mathew 7:7
God loves you.
gift from God,
Mother Theresa,
Sister Faustina,
trust in God
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival
Thank you, RAnn, from "This That and the Other Thing," for inviting me to join your Catholic Carnival. RAnn has brought together a group of Catholic Bloggers to join together and discuss what they posted this week.
RAnn also asks a question. This week, the question was: Who is your favorite saint? For me, one of my 10,000 favorite saints is: Theresa of Avila. She knew how to get things done!
This week I discussed a variety of topics, including the meaning of the word Amen. One commonality I find in my posts is prayer. The Holy Spirit brings prayer into almost every post. My favorite post this week was my post titled: Saving Souls.
As members of the Church Militant, we are not only called to pray for the salvation of souls, we are required to pray for souls. "Saving Souls," teaches us how, through prayer, we can help to save souls.
RAnn also asks a question. This week, the question was: Who is your favorite saint? For me, one of my 10,000 favorite saints is: Theresa of Avila. She knew how to get things done!
This week I discussed a variety of topics, including the meaning of the word Amen. One commonality I find in my posts is prayer. The Holy Spirit brings prayer into almost every post. My favorite post this week was my post titled: Saving Souls.
As members of the Church Militant, we are not only called to pray for the salvation of souls, we are required to pray for souls. "Saving Souls," teaches us how, through prayer, we can help to save souls.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Our Lady Loves Us! Message from Our Lady of October 25, 2013
This message was a recent message from Our Lady of Medjugorje to the visionaries there.
These messages and apparitions are currently not approved by the Catholic Church,
although it is hoped that this approval will be forthcoming soon.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Saving Souls

The old Baltimore Catechism, which was the catechism by which I was taught the faith, said:
Why were we put in this world?
To know God, to love God, and to serve God in this world and in the next.
To know God, to love God, and to serve God in this world and in the next.
He thirsts for souls. He longs to bring all souls to Him. We serve Him in many ways, and in serving Him, we bring souls to God.
The daily Rosary will bring souls to God.
Pray the Rosary.
In the Rosary is the prayer:
Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy.
Say this prayer with your heart. You will save souls. You will serve God. You will help to quench His thirst for souls.
Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy Mercy.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
When God Has Other Plans
Last night, I had planned to clean up, then write this blog. I started to walk down the stairs from the bedroom to the living room. I remember thinking, “I need to put a light here (at the bottom) so that I can see better.” I took a step down. The next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor, and I heard 3 loud pops in my ankle. Ouch! (I offered it up.) God had other plans.
A friend took me to Urgent Care. I thought we would be in and out. I was the last person to be seen. God had other plans. It took much longer than I thought to see the doctor, then, there was the X-Ray. I met a lovely young woman, the x-ray tech, who told me that it wasn’t my age that caused me to fall, because she always fell down the stairs. (She was grace and kindness!) Then it was back to the room to wait, again, for the doctor. (An exercise in the virtue of patience?)
The doctor didn’t seem to know what to do with me. She asked me what I wanted to do. Huh? ( Again and exercise in patience?) She wasn’t sure if I had a hairline fracture or not. She wasn’t sure if they had boots to immobilize my ankle and foot. (I offered this up, lest I say something unkind that I could not take back. Obviously she didn’t have much experience working with sprains or breaks.) I felt that when you went to the doctor, they should know what to do instead of asking you what you wanted to do. God had other plans.
She found a boot. My friend took me home. Now, the challenge of the stairs and the dog. How would I do this? I tried to scoot down and crawl up the stairs, but God had other plans. I learned that even if you do scoot and crawl, at some point, you have to stand, and that hurt. (I offered that up.) Well, God had other plans.
It was late. I was tired. My foot and ankle ached. I elevated my foot, and took off the boot, because the boot cut off my circulation causing my foot to go sleep. I guess God had other plans. I offered it up. I asked for the gift of sleep. God had other plans. Sleep was fitful, so I offered that up. I know God had other plans. I prayed when I couldn’t sleep and when my foot throbbed during the night. I prayed when I heard the alarm go off. I prayed through the night. God had other plans.
Today the news was good! No break, just a sprain. Thank You, My Loving God! Thank you! God had other plans!
A friend took me to Urgent Care. I thought we would be in and out. I was the last person to be seen. God had other plans. It took much longer than I thought to see the doctor, then, there was the X-Ray. I met a lovely young woman, the x-ray tech, who told me that it wasn’t my age that caused me to fall, because she always fell down the stairs. (She was grace and kindness!) Then it was back to the room to wait, again, for the doctor. (An exercise in the virtue of patience?)
The doctor didn’t seem to know what to do with me. She asked me what I wanted to do. Huh? ( Again and exercise in patience?) She wasn’t sure if I had a hairline fracture or not. She wasn’t sure if they had boots to immobilize my ankle and foot. (I offered this up, lest I say something unkind that I could not take back. Obviously she didn’t have much experience working with sprains or breaks.) I felt that when you went to the doctor, they should know what to do instead of asking you what you wanted to do. God had other plans.
She found a boot. My friend took me home. Now, the challenge of the stairs and the dog. How would I do this? I tried to scoot down and crawl up the stairs, but God had other plans. I learned that even if you do scoot and crawl, at some point, you have to stand, and that hurt. (I offered that up.) Well, God had other plans.
It was late. I was tired. My foot and ankle ached. I elevated my foot, and took off the boot, because the boot cut off my circulation causing my foot to go sleep. I guess God had other plans. I offered it up. I asked for the gift of sleep. God had other plans. Sleep was fitful, so I offered that up. I know God had other plans. I prayed when I couldn’t sleep and when my foot throbbed during the night. I prayed when I heard the alarm go off. I prayed through the night. God had other plans.
Today the news was good! No break, just a sprain. Thank You, My Loving God! Thank you! God had other plans!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

For example, in ancient Egypt, the word "amen" was derived from the name of the god Aman. In the Old Testament, the word "amen" was used infrequently, but when used, meant truth. When, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus, used the word "amen," He used it to strongly affirm what scripture taught or what He had taught to his disciples and friends.
Through more research I learned that the word "amen" is very powerful when used in the liturgy of the Mass. Depending on where it is used in the celebration of the Mass, the word takes on different meanings. The differences are subtle, but have strong meaning in the parts of the Mass in which they are used.
That's a lot of information to digest when all I wanted to know was: Does the word "amen" mean "so be it?" The answer to that, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church in section 2856 is: Yes, but there are other meanings, too. These meanings and use of the word "amen" are discussed in more detail in our catechism.
If you do not own a catechism, I can only say that in my opinion,the cost of the Catechism is small because this book describes and interprets our faith. If you do not feel that you have the resources to purchase a Catechism at this time, here is a link to a free online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Faith. Click HERE to go read the catechism online.
So many questions can be answered about our faith, in the Catechism, including, "Does the use of the word 'Amen' mean 'so be it?' " The answer is yes and so much more.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Prayer Journal - Change
When I was a child, I’d look forward to the start of fall. Fall meant the start of school. Who didn’t want to see their friends, and I loved school! Fall meant walking home from school, crunching the leaves under my feet. Fall meant dark mornings when we went to Mass. Fall meant comfort foods that were too hot to cook in the blistering New Mexico summers. Fall meant the smell of green chiles roasting in the kitchens. Fall meant wearing clothes to school that were just too hot, but your summer clothes had been put away, so you did anyway. Fall meant homework and reading. Fall meant praying the family rosary after supper when it was dark outside. Fall meant already starting to look forward to family and Thanksgiving. Fall meant looking forward to Christmas after Thanksgiving. Fall meant coming out of the wonderful, lazy rut called summer. Fall meant movement and silence when the birds began to migrate even farther south. Fall meant the lizards would hibernate. Fall meant coats and sweaters. Fall meant the state fair. Fall meant my birthday!
Sweet Jesus, I remember those days of childhood. I saw the seasons through the eyes of a child. I saw You through the eyes of a child. I saw You as a God who loved me beyond measure. I saw You as a God of great love for all of us. I tried to be good, not just because of Santa, I really wanted You to know how much I loved You!
Now, I am a retired teacher, and fall means that I don’t have to go back to school. Fall means that I need to rake leaves. Fall means that here in the Midwest, I no longer roast green chiles, but, that’s okay, since my stomach does hurt a bit from the bite of the chiles. Fall still means dark mornings when I go to Mass. Fall means trying to figure out which clothes to wear, or wondering if I need boots so that if I hit a small patch of ice from an unexpected cold, freezing rain, I won’t fall. Fall means finding clothes that are warm enough to keep my hands warm. Fall means wondering if the kids will be able to make it home for the holidays. Fall means winter is near. Fall means that I don’t hear the sounds of birds singing in the mornings. Fall means praying the Rosary in the silence of my living room. Fall means I don’t have to go to the State Fair. Fall means my birthday!
Sweet Jesus, now, I’m getting old. I’ve seen many seasons in my life. So much has changed. You’ve given me many trials. Loving You has been a challenge when I walked a rocky road. Believing that You loved me has been a challenge. My hands get cold when fall starts to come. I miss my husband and children. Life has not been easy. I wish I could see life as I did when I was 7. I miss that part of me. Where did that little girl go?
When in prayer, it is sometimes necessary to wait and listen to hear God speak to our hearts. In silence I wait.
My beloved Child, yes, it’s true you have changed. It’s also true that you have faced many challenges in your life and that your heart has ached because of these crosses. In many of these difficult times, you turned to Me and asked for My help which I rendered to you with great love. There were other times when you felt alone in your journey, but what you didn’t know is that I walked beside you holding your hand. Even when you turned your back on Me, I was there, ready to welcome you back into My loving arms. Where is that child who loved Me without question? Where is that child who ran gratefully into My arms? That child has grown up. That child has become a woman.
Yet, it is still possible to love Me without question. It is still possible to run into my arms where I can hold you in my loving embrace. You must let go of the past. You must forgive those who have hurt you. You must trust that in spite of the trials of life, I know what is best for you. I AM your God. I love you. Seek My Love. Ask for the grace of Love. Of all the virtues, love is the greatest. Through love, you will find Me.
Seek Me now through prayer. Open your heart to healing. I wish to heal you, but you must step aside and let me be God.
My beloved child, I AM with you. I will not turn my back on you. I will hold you up when the trials of life beat you down. Trust that I love you. Turn your heart to Me. I AM waiting.
Sweet Jesus, I remember those days of childhood. I saw the seasons through the eyes of a child. I saw You through the eyes of a child. I saw You as a God who loved me beyond measure. I saw You as a God of great love for all of us. I tried to be good, not just because of Santa, I really wanted You to know how much I loved You!
Now, I am a retired teacher, and fall means that I don’t have to go back to school. Fall means that I need to rake leaves. Fall means that here in the Midwest, I no longer roast green chiles, but, that’s okay, since my stomach does hurt a bit from the bite of the chiles. Fall still means dark mornings when I go to Mass. Fall means trying to figure out which clothes to wear, or wondering if I need boots so that if I hit a small patch of ice from an unexpected cold, freezing rain, I won’t fall. Fall means finding clothes that are warm enough to keep my hands warm. Fall means wondering if the kids will be able to make it home for the holidays. Fall means winter is near. Fall means that I don’t hear the sounds of birds singing in the mornings. Fall means praying the Rosary in the silence of my living room. Fall means I don’t have to go to the State Fair. Fall means my birthday!
Sweet Jesus, now, I’m getting old. I’ve seen many seasons in my life. So much has changed. You’ve given me many trials. Loving You has been a challenge when I walked a rocky road. Believing that You loved me has been a challenge. My hands get cold when fall starts to come. I miss my husband and children. Life has not been easy. I wish I could see life as I did when I was 7. I miss that part of me. Where did that little girl go?
When in prayer, it is sometimes necessary to wait and listen to hear God speak to our hearts. In silence I wait.
My beloved Child, yes, it’s true you have changed. It’s also true that you have faced many challenges in your life and that your heart has ached because of these crosses. In many of these difficult times, you turned to Me and asked for My help which I rendered to you with great love. There were other times when you felt alone in your journey, but what you didn’t know is that I walked beside you holding your hand. Even when you turned your back on Me, I was there, ready to welcome you back into My loving arms. Where is that child who loved Me without question? Where is that child who ran gratefully into My arms? That child has grown up. That child has become a woman.
Yet, it is still possible to love Me without question. It is still possible to run into my arms where I can hold you in my loving embrace. You must let go of the past. You must forgive those who have hurt you. You must trust that in spite of the trials of life, I know what is best for you. I AM your God. I love you. Seek My Love. Ask for the grace of Love. Of all the virtues, love is the greatest. Through love, you will find Me.
Seek Me now through prayer. Open your heart to healing. I wish to heal you, but you must step aside and let me be God.
My beloved child, I AM with you. I will not turn my back on you. I will hold you up when the trials of life beat you down. Trust that I love you. Turn your heart to Me. I AM waiting.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Jesus Visits His Friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Luke 10: 38-42
Jesus Visits Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Jesus was tired from the long journey, and He was looking forward to His visit with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. He could see the small buildings in Bethany, and in the distance, He could see His friend Lazarus waving to Him and His Apostles. Lazarus came running to greet Jesus,
“My Lord,” said Lazarus, out of breath when he reached Jesus, “We look forward to your visit with us.” Lazarus greeted the Apostles. They greeted Lazarus in return. The people of the village came running to greet Jesus, bringing their sick with them. Before Jesus could even reach the outskirts of Bethany, He was touching and healing the sick and the dying.
Jesus saw what was in their hearts, and He was filled with compassion for them. The Apostles tried to rush Him forward, but the crowds would not let Him pass. He spoke to them and smiled. He touched them, and they were healed. Lazarus smiled as he saw the children rush to Jesus. Jesus would smile and lift them into His arms. With some He would circle and dance. To the weak, He would give strength. To the widows, he would give hope. He was there for all of His Father’s creations.
The walk through Bethany was the most difficult part of their journey. The apostles were complaining. Judas squirmed close to the Master and said, “Rabbi, do not look into their eyes. They will only want more.” Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Do not stop anyone from coming to Me.” Peter cleared the way ahead of the Rabbi, but he allowed all those in need of healing or consolation to come to Jesus.
Lazarus, Jesus, and the apostles finally reached the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Martha and Mary raced to embrace Jesus and His friends. Martha had already been preparing the food. She had grown anxious because of the wait. She was afraid that dinner would be cold, so when Jesus arrived and she greeted Him, Martha rushed to the kitchen to finish preparing Mary lead Jesus to the place of honor in their home. Feet were washed. Hands were washed All were ready for the feast. Jesus began to speak so the crowds who were waiting. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened as He spoke. Mary, knowing how much Jesus loved her cooking stayed in the kitchen preparing the food. She could not hear what Jesus was saying, and she began to grow resentful that she was the only one in the kitchen working.
Martha kept waiting for Mary to come back and help her. Dinner was taking so long to be made because Martha was the only one working to make a meal for the Master. She was anxious and distracted. She finally decided that she would talk to Jesus and have Him direct Mary to come back to work with her.
“Jesus,” Martha said, as she worked her way back to Him. “Jesus, Don’t you care? I’m working alone in preparing the meal. I need help. My sister continues to sit here instead of helping me in the kitchen. Tell Mary to help me.”
Mary looked at her sister. She was stunned by Martha’s anger. She started to get up with tears in her eyes. Jesus looked at Mary, and He signaled her to sit down. Mary sat down, and Martha was stunned.
Jesus turned to Martha and said, gently, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is only need of one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, and this will not be taken away from her.” Martha bent her head in shame. She could not answer the Master. Jesus signaled her to sit next to Mary, which she did. Later when dinner was served by Martha, Jesus smiled and ate a large helping of Martha’s food. He smiled with joy as He ate. The dinner had been cooked in spite of the interruption. Mary worked hard serving the meal. Martha worked alongside of her sister serving Jesus and His Apostles.
Jesus Visits Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Jesus was tired from the long journey, and He was looking forward to His visit with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. He could see the small buildings in Bethany, and in the distance, He could see His friend Lazarus waving to Him and His Apostles. Lazarus came running to greet Jesus,
“My Lord,” said Lazarus, out of breath when he reached Jesus, “We look forward to your visit with us.” Lazarus greeted the Apostles. They greeted Lazarus in return. The people of the village came running to greet Jesus, bringing their sick with them. Before Jesus could even reach the outskirts of Bethany, He was touching and healing the sick and the dying.
Jesus saw what was in their hearts, and He was filled with compassion for them. The Apostles tried to rush Him forward, but the crowds would not let Him pass. He spoke to them and smiled. He touched them, and they were healed. Lazarus smiled as he saw the children rush to Jesus. Jesus would smile and lift them into His arms. With some He would circle and dance. To the weak, He would give strength. To the widows, he would give hope. He was there for all of His Father’s creations.
The walk through Bethany was the most difficult part of their journey. The apostles were complaining. Judas squirmed close to the Master and said, “Rabbi, do not look into their eyes. They will only want more.” Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Do not stop anyone from coming to Me.” Peter cleared the way ahead of the Rabbi, but he allowed all those in need of healing or consolation to come to Jesus.
Lazarus, Jesus, and the apostles finally reached the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Martha and Mary raced to embrace Jesus and His friends. Martha had already been preparing the food. She had grown anxious because of the wait. She was afraid that dinner would be cold, so when Jesus arrived and she greeted Him, Martha rushed to the kitchen to finish preparing Mary lead Jesus to the place of honor in their home. Feet were washed. Hands were washed All were ready for the feast. Jesus began to speak so the crowds who were waiting. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened as He spoke. Mary, knowing how much Jesus loved her cooking stayed in the kitchen preparing the food. She could not hear what Jesus was saying, and she began to grow resentful that she was the only one in the kitchen working.
Martha kept waiting for Mary to come back and help her. Dinner was taking so long to be made because Martha was the only one working to make a meal for the Master. She was anxious and distracted. She finally decided that she would talk to Jesus and have Him direct Mary to come back to work with her.
“Jesus,” Martha said, as she worked her way back to Him. “Jesus, Don’t you care? I’m working alone in preparing the meal. I need help. My sister continues to sit here instead of helping me in the kitchen. Tell Mary to help me.”
Mary looked at her sister. She was stunned by Martha’s anger. She started to get up with tears in her eyes. Jesus looked at Mary, and He signaled her to sit down. Mary sat down, and Martha was stunned.
Jesus turned to Martha and said, gently, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is only need of one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, and this will not be taken away from her.” Martha bent her head in shame. She could not answer the Master. Jesus signaled her to sit next to Mary, which she did. Later when dinner was served by Martha, Jesus smiled and ate a large helping of Martha’s food. He smiled with joy as He ate. The dinner had been cooked in spite of the interruption. Mary worked hard serving the meal. Martha worked alongside of her sister serving Jesus and His Apostles.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Padre Pio, Pray for Us
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Prayer at Adoration Today
Prayer at Adoration
Lord, Have Mercy
Christ, Have Mercy
Lord, Have Mercy
Lord Jesus,
I am here to honor and adore You.
I give You my heart and my soul.
I give You all that I am, and all that I will be.
I give You all that I have and all that I will have.
I am sorry for offending You.
I know that I am a grievous sinner.
I ask Your forgiveness for all of the ways I have added thorns to Your crown.
I ask forgiveness for the number of times I have pierced Your Sacred Heart with my sinfulness.
I offer myself to You. I, who am, imperfect, who tries but fails to make You the King of my life, my heart and my soul.
I ask Your forgiveness for all those whom I have hurt in any way.
I ask Your forgiveness for all the wrong I have done, especially when I knew and made the choice to sin.
I ask Your forgiveness for the pain I have caused others.
I ask Your forgiveness for the times I was indifferent to Your call.
Knowing that You will forgive me through the sacrament of confession, I offer forgiveness for all those who have hurt me, rejected me, humiliated me, annoyed me. I choose to forgive. I choose to love.
I thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Your forgiveness and healing.
Jesus, You are God! You are the Second Person of the Trinity.
Praise You, God Almighty Father!
Praise You, God the Son!
Praise You, God, the Holy Spirit!
Praise You, our Triune God!
Thank You for the gift of this new day!
Thank You for each day of life with which You have blessed me.
Thank You for working in my life and in the lives of those whom I love!
Thank You for bringing me closer to Your Most Sacred Heart.
Thank You for loving me with an undying love.
Thank You for loving me with an eternal love.
Lord, if I ask You for nothing else, I ask You to bless me and all those whom I love, with Your peace.
Lord, I also ask You to bless anyone with whom I come in contact with today.
Lord, I beg You, do not let any of our souls be lost today.
Give us all the gift of final perseverance.
Protect us from evil.
Strengthen us when we are tempted to sin.
Bless us with good health and a strong love for You.
Remind us to seek out Your Most Blessed Mother when we are tempted to sin, when we are lonely and afraid. Remind us that she is the Mediatrix of all Graces, and the surest way to You is through Your Mother and her intercession. We praise You and we love You! We love Your Mother!! Thank You for giving her to us. Thank You for her gift of love to us.
Lord Jesus,
Teach us to be the person who brings You to those who do not know You. Let us be the person that the unbeliever sees, who comes to realize that we are imitators of You, that we are all Your children, Your sisters and brothers.
I thank You for this time in adoration of You. I am here Lord. I come to do Your Will. Fill me with Your graces so that I may be Yours forever. Give me the graces to bring souls to You so that they may know You and love You and serve You, so that Your thirst for souls might be quenched, even as You thirsted for souls on Your cross.
Thank You, Jesus, Thank You!
Lord, Have Mercy
Christ, Have Mercy
Lord, Have Mercy
Lord Jesus,
I am here to honor and adore You.
I give You my heart and my soul.
I give You all that I am, and all that I will be.
I give You all that I have and all that I will have.
I am sorry for offending You.
I know that I am a grievous sinner.
I ask Your forgiveness for all of the ways I have added thorns to Your crown.
I ask forgiveness for the number of times I have pierced Your Sacred Heart with my sinfulness.
I offer myself to You. I, who am, imperfect, who tries but fails to make You the King of my life, my heart and my soul.
I ask Your forgiveness for all those whom I have hurt in any way.
I ask Your forgiveness for all the wrong I have done, especially when I knew and made the choice to sin.
I ask Your forgiveness for the pain I have caused others.
I ask Your forgiveness for the times I was indifferent to Your call.
Knowing that You will forgive me through the sacrament of confession, I offer forgiveness for all those who have hurt me, rejected me, humiliated me, annoyed me. I choose to forgive. I choose to love.
I thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Your forgiveness and healing.
Jesus, You are God! You are the Second Person of the Trinity.
Praise You, God Almighty Father!
Praise You, God the Son!
Praise You, God, the Holy Spirit!
Praise You, our Triune God!
Thank You for the gift of this new day!
Thank You for each day of life with which You have blessed me.
Thank You for working in my life and in the lives of those whom I love!
Thank You for bringing me closer to Your Most Sacred Heart.
Thank You for loving me with an undying love.
Thank You for loving me with an eternal love.
Lord, if I ask You for nothing else, I ask You to bless me and all those whom I love, with Your peace.
Lord, I also ask You to bless anyone with whom I come in contact with today.
Lord, I beg You, do not let any of our souls be lost today.
Give us all the gift of final perseverance.
Protect us from evil.
Strengthen us when we are tempted to sin.
Bless us with good health and a strong love for You.
Remind us to seek out Your Most Blessed Mother when we are tempted to sin, when we are lonely and afraid. Remind us that she is the Mediatrix of all Graces, and the surest way to You is through Your Mother and her intercession. We praise You and we love You! We love Your Mother!! Thank You for giving her to us. Thank You for her gift of love to us.
Lord Jesus,
Teach us to be the person who brings You to those who do not know You. Let us be the person that the unbeliever sees, who comes to realize that we are imitators of You, that we are all Your children, Your sisters and brothers.
I thank You for this time in adoration of You. I am here Lord. I come to do Your Will. Fill me with Your graces so that I may be Yours forever. Give me the graces to bring souls to You so that they may know You and love You and serve You, so that Your thirst for souls might be quenched, even as You thirsted for souls on Your cross.
Thank You, Jesus, Thank You!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Prayer Journal
Prayer Journal
My Jesus, I can’t believe that fall is here already. We are heading for the end of the year. You’ve blessed me with another year of life! Right now, the storms are calm. I feel great peace in my heart and soul. Jesus, You are God! Thank You for the gift of this day and moment. I love You! I know that I am nothing, but I am Yours, all Yours. I know I’m weak and in a moment I will probably be in a sinful state soon, but for this moment I am Yours. Thank You!
What I imagine Jesus might say to me.
I cannot say this enough. I love you! My soul thirsts for you! Rest in My Sacred Heart. Feel My Sacred Heart full of love for you. Hear My Sacred Heart beat for love of you. Feel My peace. I love you! I love all my children! I love My sisters and brothers. I long for each soul, even if they are far from me at the moment. I intercede before the Father for my sisters and brothers. I pray that they will all join Me in paradise.
Love them with Me. Pray that they will hear My Sacred Heart beat for love of them. My Mercy is unending, but I cannot choose for them. They, like you, must choose Me. My Sacred Heart burns with love that I wish to give You. I AM yours if you choose to love Me. My heart aches with love. Pray for My Sisters and Brothers that they might draw close to My Sacred Heart. Give your heart for them that they might embrace My Love. I ask You for much, I know, but I thirst for each soul. Pray and never cease for love of Me. I love You!
My Jesus, I can’t believe that fall is here already. We are heading for the end of the year. You’ve blessed me with another year of life! Right now, the storms are calm. I feel great peace in my heart and soul. Jesus, You are God! Thank You for the gift of this day and moment. I love You! I know that I am nothing, but I am Yours, all Yours. I know I’m weak and in a moment I will probably be in a sinful state soon, but for this moment I am Yours. Thank You!
What I imagine Jesus might say to me.
I cannot say this enough. I love you! My soul thirsts for you! Rest in My Sacred Heart. Feel My Sacred Heart full of love for you. Hear My Sacred Heart beat for love of you. Feel My peace. I love you! I love all my children! I love My sisters and brothers. I long for each soul, even if they are far from me at the moment. I intercede before the Father for my sisters and brothers. I pray that they will all join Me in paradise.
Love them with Me. Pray that they will hear My Sacred Heart beat for love of them. My Mercy is unending, but I cannot choose for them. They, like you, must choose Me. My Sacred Heart burns with love that I wish to give You. I AM yours if you choose to love Me. My heart aches with love. Pray for My Sisters and Brothers that they might draw close to My Sacred Heart. Give your heart for them that they might embrace My Love. I ask You for much, I know, but I thirst for each soul. Pray and never cease for love of Me. I love You!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
A Simple Exercise of Praise
Not everyone is able to find their "prayer voice" in writing, but I was blessed to be able to do so.
Praise You, Jesus, and thank You for this gift!
This exercise in praise is simple and effective. You will need a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
1) Make a list of ten words that remind you of God. Here's my list.
King of Kings
Blessed of the Father
Light of Heaven
King of angels
Lord of Lords
God above all else
My Shield and Protection
Giver of all gifts
The Great I AM
Our Salvation
2) When you have finished your list, and you can make it longer, if you choose, add the words, "I praise You,"
3) Read Your list using the words "I praise You," and Your words for God. It doesn't matter if you begin with "I Praise You," or end with those words.
Here's my list:
King of Kings, I praise You!
Blessed of the Father, I praise You!
Light of Heaven, I praise You!
King of angels, I praise You!
Lord of Lords, I praise You!
God above all else, I praise You!
My Shield and Protection, I praise You!
Giver of all gifts, I praise You!
The Great I AM, I praise You!
Our Salvation I praise You!
To praise God and acknowledge Him as above all else is the virtue of humility which brings us closer to God. Spend a time in prayer each day adoring God! He is the King of Kings!
Praise You, Heavenly Father! Praise You, Jesus, my Brother! Praise You, Holy Spirit, my guide and comforter!
Praise You, Jesus, and thank You for this gift!
This exercise in praise is simple and effective. You will need a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
1) Make a list of ten words that remind you of God. Here's my list.
King of Kings
Blessed of the Father
Light of Heaven
King of angels
Lord of Lords
God above all else
My Shield and Protection
Giver of all gifts
The Great I AM
Our Salvation
2) When you have finished your list, and you can make it longer, if you choose, add the words, "I praise You,"
3) Read Your list using the words "I praise You," and Your words for God. It doesn't matter if you begin with "I Praise You," or end with those words.
Here's my list:
King of Kings, I praise You!
Blessed of the Father, I praise You!
Light of Heaven, I praise You!
King of angels, I praise You!
Lord of Lords, I praise You!
God above all else, I praise You!
My Shield and Protection, I praise You!
Giver of all gifts, I praise You!
The Great I AM, I praise You!
Our Salvation I praise You!
To praise God and acknowledge Him as above all else is the virtue of humility which brings us closer to God. Spend a time in prayer each day adoring God! He is the King of Kings!
Praise You, Heavenly Father! Praise You, Jesus, my Brother! Praise You, Holy Spirit, my guide and comforter!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Forms of Prayer
My God, My God, You alone are the Holy One, the Lord God of Hosts! I praise You and I adore You! I thank You for all that You have done for me and given me. I ask You now to bring me closer to You through the gift of Prayer. I ask You also to bring my sisters and brothers on earth closer to You through this gift of prayer. Thank You, My dearest Lord, for hearing me.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church talks about the different forms of prayer in Section One, Chapter One, Article Three, subsections 2623 - 2643. The forms of prayer listed are:
1) Adoration and Blessing
2) Petition
3) Intercession
4) Thanksgiving
5) Praise.
1) When we adore our God, we acknowledge that He is above all. There is nothing or no one greater than He. Blessing comes through the encounter we have with God when we pray.
2) When we petition God, we are asking for His blessings and gifts for us.
3) When we intercede with God, we are asking for blessings for our fellow man. This is the way that Jesus prayed.
4) When we thank God, we again acknowledge His Greatness and His gifts to us.
5) When we praise God, we give glory to God because He is God.
If you read/prayed the introductory prayer, you prayed each form of prayer in just a few sentences. This took you less than one minute. Can you give God this minute or more in prayer each day? Think about it. God is calling you to pray so that you may grow closer to Him each day and grow in the wonder of His Love.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church talks about the different forms of prayer in Section One, Chapter One, Article Three, subsections 2623 - 2643. The forms of prayer listed are:
1) Adoration and Blessing
2) Petition
3) Intercession
4) Thanksgiving
5) Praise.
1) When we adore our God, we acknowledge that He is above all. There is nothing or no one greater than He. Blessing comes through the encounter we have with God when we pray.
2) When we petition God, we are asking for His blessings and gifts for us.
3) When we intercede with God, we are asking for blessings for our fellow man. This is the way that Jesus prayed.
4) When we thank God, we again acknowledge His Greatness and His gifts to us.
5) When we praise God, we give glory to God because He is God.
If you read/prayed the introductory prayer, you prayed each form of prayer in just a few sentences. This took you less than one minute. Can you give God this minute or more in prayer each day? Think about it. God is calling you to pray so that you may grow closer to Him each day and grow in the wonder of His Love.
forms of prayer,
Monday, October 14, 2013
Called to Prayer - 5 things you should know
Who is called to prayer?
Every human being is called to prayer.
Why are we called to prayer?
We are all called to prayer because prayer is communication with our loving God.
Why do I need to communicate with God?
We need to communicate with God so that we will learn to know God and love God as we journey through our life on earth. We need to establish a relationship with our Loving God.
God is Almighty. God is God. He is Everything. Why does He need for me to communicate with Him?
God is Almighty. He is the Great I AM. God doesn't need for you to communicate with Him. However, you need to communicate with God.
God knows you and loves you, but, as in any relationship, there needs to be an interaction between both parties for that relationship to succeed. God is waiting for you to talk with Him. He loves you so much that He wants to hear from you! This is part of His Great Love for You! He wants you to know Him and learn about His Unending Love for you.
Is prayer just talking to God?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Section 2, 2559,
"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God, or the requesting of good things from God."
More than that, prayer is God's Gift to us. Not only is prayer a gift, but it is a gift for which we can ask!! How amazing is that!!! God loves us so much that, even though he does not need for us to pray to Him, He gives us this gift so that we can draw closer to Him through prayer. Our God is great!
Every human being is called to prayer.
Why are we called to prayer?
We are all called to prayer because prayer is communication with our loving God.
Why do I need to communicate with God?
We need to communicate with God so that we will learn to know God and love God as we journey through our life on earth. We need to establish a relationship with our Loving God.
God is Almighty. God is God. He is Everything. Why does He need for me to communicate with Him?
God is Almighty. He is the Great I AM. God doesn't need for you to communicate with Him. However, you need to communicate with God.
God knows you and loves you, but, as in any relationship, there needs to be an interaction between both parties for that relationship to succeed. God is waiting for you to talk with Him. He loves you so much that He wants to hear from you! This is part of His Great Love for You! He wants you to know Him and learn about His Unending Love for you.
Is prayer just talking to God?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Section 2, 2559,
"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God, or the requesting of good things from God."
More than that, prayer is God's Gift to us. Not only is prayer a gift, but it is a gift for which we can ask!! How amazing is that!!! God loves us so much that, even though he does not need for us to pray to Him, He gives us this gift so that we can draw closer to Him through prayer. Our God is great!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
"Before I formed you in the womb, I Knew You...." Jeremiah 1:5
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for us!
The Pro-Life Action League states:
Q. When does the unborn child's heart begin to beat:
A. 18 days after conception.
Q. When can the child's brainwaves be detected:
A. 6 weeks after conception.
Q. When do fingerprints appear on the unborn child's hands.
A. 14 weeks after conception.
Q. When can the unborn child feel pain.
A. At 9 weeks from conception, the structures are all in place for the "fetus" or "little one" to feel pain.
Heavenly Queen, Mother of God,
We implore you to protect and nourish, with your love, all unborn children. We ask you to cover them with your protective mantle so that these babies may be born and placed in the loving arms of their mothers. We ask you to give their mothers an intense love for their unborn children. We ask that these mothers open their arms to their unborn children. We ask you to give these mothers the strength and courage so that they will raise their children in a loving, Christian home. Mother of God, place these women under your mantle so that evil is not able to influence them. Help them. Hold them. Be with all women so that each woman will choose life for her children. Mother of God, we thank you for your intercession before your Son, Jesus, our brother. Amen.
Pray for us!
The Pro-Life Action League states:
Q. When does the unborn child's heart begin to beat:
A. 18 days after conception.
Q. When can the child's brainwaves be detected:
A. 6 weeks after conception.
Q. When do fingerprints appear on the unborn child's hands.
A. 14 weeks after conception.
Q. When can the unborn child feel pain.
A. At 9 weeks from conception, the structures are all in place for the "fetus" or "little one" to feel pain.
Heavenly Queen, Mother of God,
We implore you to protect and nourish, with your love, all unborn children. We ask you to cover them with your protective mantle so that these babies may be born and placed in the loving arms of their mothers. We ask you to give their mothers an intense love for their unborn children. We ask that these mothers open their arms to their unborn children. We ask you to give these mothers the strength and courage so that they will raise their children in a loving, Christian home. Mother of God, place these women under your mantle so that evil is not able to influence them. Help them. Hold them. Be with all women so that each woman will choose life for her children. Mother of God, we thank you for your intercession before your Son, Jesus, our brother. Amen.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Lives Our Lady Protects
Fetus means "little one."
This photo is featured on the website called
Priests for Life.
Please check out this amazing site!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in section 2270:
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life."
Jeremiah 1: 5
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,
and before you were born, I consecrated you."
This photo is featured on the website called
Priests for Life.
Please check out this amazing site!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in section 2270:
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life."
Jeremiah 1: 5
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,
and before you were born, I consecrated you."
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Mother of God!
Pray for all of your little ones!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americas, Patroness and Protector of the Unborn
Do not let anything afflict you and be not afraid of illness or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Are you not in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?
Always our Mother, and more...
Our Lady of Guadalupe, who appeared five times to Juan Diego, proclaimed,
"Know for certain, least of my sons, that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God through whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near and far, the Master of heaven and earth. It is my earnest wish that a temple be built here to my honor. Here I will demonstrate, I will exhibit, I will give all my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to the people. I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in this land, and of all mankind, of all those who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who seek me, of those who have condfidence in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their sorrow, and will remedy and alleviate all their multiple sufferings, necessities and misfortunes."
This LINK will take you to a brief history of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This LINK will take you to a website dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This LINK will take you to the above website that describes Our Lady's role as Protectress of the Unborn.
Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day is celebrated on December 12th.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!
Always our Mother, and more...
Our Lady of Guadalupe, who appeared five times to Juan Diego, proclaimed,
"Know for certain, least of my sons, that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God through whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near and far, the Master of heaven and earth. It is my earnest wish that a temple be built here to my honor. Here I will demonstrate, I will exhibit, I will give all my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to the people. I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in this land, and of all mankind, of all those who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who seek me, of those who have condfidence in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their sorrow, and will remedy and alleviate all their multiple sufferings, necessities and misfortunes."
This LINK will take you to a brief history of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This LINK will take you to a website dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This LINK will take you to the above website that describes Our Lady's role as Protectress of the Unborn.
Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day is celebrated on December 12th.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
I Will Send An Angel Before You... (Exodus 33:2)
I saw him, and I immediately fell in love. I knew I wanted him, however, so did someone else.
This all began at the "Mum Festival" celebration at church this past weekend. He caught my eye as soon as I walked into the room. He was beautiful. He was tall, and, it turns out, he was much heavier than I ever anticipated.
However, I was in love.
Then the bidding began for this silent auction.
At first, my goal was to simply bid the price up so that my, ahem, "competition" would quit bidding, but she was in love, too. The bidding was fierce, then, she had to leave. However, I thought she had asked someone else to bid for her. Drat! So, I raised her last bid! I assumed that someone would outbid me at the last moment. (I knew I would be spending way too much money if I won, but I also had great faith that I would be outbid.)
God's sense of humor shone down on me.
I won, and I made a sizable donation to the church for Micha-el. Ouch!
However, I was and am still in love!
I will send an Angel Before you...
Getting Micha-el home was much less of a challenge than I anticipated.
Getting him in the house was easier than I expected.
Micha-el now stands in the living room guarding Our Lady,
and, our family.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do, Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
cast into hell,
satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Monday, October 7, 2013
When You Don't Feel You Have Enough Time To Pray
There are days, aren't there, when we are just out of sorts, but we need to pray. We are out of sorts and out of time. What can we do? We need to connect with God to fuel our soul. We need to make that connection to honor and praise Him, but we don't have time. How can we do it all? Later, we'll talk about priorities, but right now, I want to show you a quick and easy way to connect with God. You will have to work to make that connection deep, but you can find time to pray, even in a crazy, busy day! So, how can we do this?
The solution is easy.
One. Line. Prayers.
#1. Open the button on the top of this blog that says One Line Prayers.
I have a lot of prayers that might appeal to you. Read them, slowly. Copy them to your computer. Print one or two out at a time. Place your printout where you can see them. Read them, slowly, prayerfully for one minute. Take that small amount of time and give it to God. He will love you even more as you take this time to reconnect with Our Almighty God!
#2. Keep a small notebook with you, or use your computer, smart phone, or tablet to create a file called Prayers. When a thought comes to your mind that you feel could be a prayer, type it in and add it to your file. Then, take a minute, and concentrate on that prayer, for a moment. Give God that minute of your life. When the Spirit moves you, add more of your own, meaningful One Line Prayers to your File.
The solution is easy.
One. Line. Prayers.
#1. Open the button on the top of this blog that says One Line Prayers.
I have a lot of prayers that might appeal to you. Read them, slowly. Copy them to your computer. Print one or two out at a time. Place your printout where you can see them. Read them, slowly, prayerfully for one minute. Take that small amount of time and give it to God. He will love you even more as you take this time to reconnect with Our Almighty God!
#2. Keep a small notebook with you, or use your computer, smart phone, or tablet to create a file called Prayers. When a thought comes to your mind that you feel could be a prayer, type it in and add it to your file. Then, take a minute, and concentrate on that prayer, for a moment. Give God that minute of your life. When the Spirit moves you, add more of your own, meaningful One Line Prayers to your File.
I'll give you a start with your one minute prayers. Read these prayerfully, slowly, and stop when you see one that catches your eye. Give God that minute.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, may we praise You now and forever.
Praise! Praise! His Holy Name.
Blessed be the God of all Creation!
Lord, God, we love You and adore You.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Blessed be the Name of The Lord!
Lord, I am not worthy.
Blessed be the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Message of Our Lady to Mirjana, October 2, 2013
Message to the World given to Mirjana from
Our Lady of Medjugorje
October 2, 2013
“Dear children,
I love you with a motherly love and with a motherly patience I wait for your love and unity. I pray that you may be a community of God’s children, of my children. I pray that as a community you may joyfully come back to life in the faith and in the love of my Son. My children, I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son. Give me your open, purified hearts and I will fill them with the love for my Son. His love will give meaning to your life and I will walk with you. I will be with you until the meeting with the Heavenly Father. My children, it is those who walk towards the Heavenly Father with love and faith who will be saved. Do not be afraid. I am with you. Put your trust in your shepherds as my Son trusted when He chose them, and pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. Thank you.”
Our Lady of Medjugorje
October 2, 2013
“Dear children,
I love you with a motherly love and with a motherly patience I wait for your love and unity. I pray that you may be a community of God’s children, of my children. I pray that as a community you may joyfully come back to life in the faith and in the love of my Son. My children, I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son. Give me your open, purified hearts and I will fill them with the love for my Son. His love will give meaning to your life and I will walk with you. I will be with you until the meeting with the Heavenly Father. My children, it is those who walk towards the Heavenly Father with love and faith who will be saved. Do not be afraid. I am with you. Put your trust in your shepherds as my Son trusted when He chose them, and pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. Thank you.”
Message of Our Lady to Mirjana,
October 2
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4
Friday, October 4, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Meditaions on the Most Holy Rosary - The Glorious Mysteries
"We do not hesitate to affirm again publicly that we put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils of our times" (Pope Pius XII).
The Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
Oh, sweet Jesus! You rose! When the women came to take care of what had been Your frail body, ready to defy the Romans and wondering how they would push away the stone, the angel announced to them that You had risen as You had said You would. You gave to these women the gift of carrying the good news to the apostles who remained in hiding, fearful that the punishment meted out to You would also be theirs. When the women came to tell them that they had seen the angel, they didn’t believe. Finally, they were
The Resurrection
Oh, sweet Jesus! You rose! When the women came to take care of what had been Your frail body, ready to defy the Romans and wondering how they would push away the stone, the angel announced to them that You had risen as You had said You would. You gave to these women the gift of carrying the good news to the apostles who remained in hiding, fearful that the punishment meted out to You would also be theirs. When the women came to tell them that they had seen the angel, they didn’t believe. Finally, they were
willing to see the tomb in which You had been laid. When they saw Your burial garments, they believed.
Lord help us with our unbelief! Thank You!
The Ascension
It was time, Sweet Jesus, it was time for You to sit at Your Father’s Right Hand and send the Holy Spirit to Your infant church. Mother Mary would still be with the apostles to help nurture the church as she had nurtured You. Again, You led Your apostles to the place where You would return home and You promised them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, You had given so much, yet You give more! Thank You for all You have given us! Thank You for the gift of salvation! Thank You for the gift of Your Mother! How can you love us so much? Oh, Jesus! We adore You!
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
At last, Holy Spirit, we meet You! Even though You have been with us through the course of salvation, You come to the frightened apostles to give them strength and courage. After You filled them with Your graces, they preached and gave witness to the life and love of Jesus and the Father. The proclaimed the gift of Salvation to all the world. Holy Spirit, thank You. We praise You and we adore You!
The Assumption of Mary
The time had to come when Mother Mary’s mission in life was over. The time had to come when Our Dearest Lady would be with her Son forever to nurture her children and bring home to Him as many of her children as she could. Dearest Mother, Your life was based on faith and trust in God. Thank you for being willing to take these leaps of faith out of love for your children. How did you feel when you saw your Son next to the Father in His glory? Sweet Mary, thank you for the sacrifices you made and for trusting in God to lead you through the good and the bad.
The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
Oh, sweet Mary, now, not only our mother, but the Queen of Heaven and Earth! You were crowned by the Father and the Son to reign in heaven and on earth as our Queen. Dearest Mother, thank you for your fiat. Thank you for giving life to Jesus. Through you, the Father began to complete His work of salvation. Thank You, Heavenly Father! Thank You, our brother, Jesus! Thank you, Mary, the Mother of God!
The Ascension
It was time, Sweet Jesus, it was time for You to sit at Your Father’s Right Hand and send the Holy Spirit to Your infant church. Mother Mary would still be with the apostles to help nurture the church as she had nurtured You. Again, You led Your apostles to the place where You would return home and You promised them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, You had given so much, yet You give more! Thank You for all You have given us! Thank You for the gift of salvation! Thank You for the gift of Your Mother! How can you love us so much? Oh, Jesus! We adore You!
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
At last, Holy Spirit, we meet You! Even though You have been with us through the course of salvation, You come to the frightened apostles to give them strength and courage. After You filled them with Your graces, they preached and gave witness to the life and love of Jesus and the Father. The proclaimed the gift of Salvation to all the world. Holy Spirit, thank You. We praise You and we adore You!
The Assumption of Mary
The time had to come when Mother Mary’s mission in life was over. The time had to come when Our Dearest Lady would be with her Son forever to nurture her children and bring home to Him as many of her children as she could. Dearest Mother, Your life was based on faith and trust in God. Thank you for being willing to take these leaps of faith out of love for your children. How did you feel when you saw your Son next to the Father in His glory? Sweet Mary, thank you for the sacrifices you made and for trusting in God to lead you through the good and the bad.
The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
Oh, sweet Mary, now, not only our mother, but the Queen of Heaven and Earth! You were crowned by the Father and the Son to reign in heaven and on earth as our Queen. Dearest Mother, thank you for your fiat. Thank you for giving life to Jesus. Through you, the Father began to complete His work of salvation. Thank You, Heavenly Father! Thank You, our brother, Jesus! Thank you, Mary, the Mother of God!
glorious mysteries,
the ascension,
the resurrection
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Meditations of the Most Holy Rosary - The Sorrowful Mysteries
"The Rosary is the compendium of the entire Gospel" (Pope Paul VI quoting Pope Pius XII).
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
Oh, Jesus! You celebrated Your last Passover with Your Apostles then you stepped into the garden to prepare for Your Mass. You suffered so greatly even then! The men whom you loved were sleeping. You asked them to wait with You, and they fell asleep. They didn’t understand. You asked Your Father to let this cup pass. He was silent. You had no one until and angel came to comfort You. When You knew it was time, You were at peace. You woke up Your Apostles and told them that Your time had come. You were led away as a criminal, in chains. Oh, Jesus, I’m sorry that I am responsible for this. I hurt You each time I sin. I add to Your pain. Forgive me. Thank You! You loved us so much! Thank You!
The Scourging at the Pillar
Oh, dear Sweet Jesus! I cannot imagine the pain that You felt as each lash of the whip ripped Your skin from Your Most Precious Body. I cannot imagine the pain as You were whipped over and over again. I cannot imagine how You felt knowing that more pain was to follow, pain that could not and should not be felt by any human being, yet, You endured it. Each lash was for our sins. Forgive us, Sweet Jesus. You, the Man, the God, who is Love Himself, endured the pain and agony of whips. Sweet Jesus, I fall at Your feet. I am saved because You loved us so much! You are Love and Love was broken and bleeding. Forgive us, Sweet Jesus! Forgive us!
The Crowning with Thorns
Oh, my God! How could you endure so much pain? You were weak from the loss of blood. You were dizzy from the beatings. Then, as they mocked You, spit upon You, they crowned You with thorns. It wasn’t enough for You to endure the beatings, but You had to endure the shame and the thorns in Your
The Agony in the Garden
Oh, Jesus! You celebrated Your last Passover with Your Apostles then you stepped into the garden to prepare for Your Mass. You suffered so greatly even then! The men whom you loved were sleeping. You asked them to wait with You, and they fell asleep. They didn’t understand. You asked Your Father to let this cup pass. He was silent. You had no one until and angel came to comfort You. When You knew it was time, You were at peace. You woke up Your Apostles and told them that Your time had come. You were led away as a criminal, in chains. Oh, Jesus, I’m sorry that I am responsible for this. I hurt You each time I sin. I add to Your pain. Forgive me. Thank You! You loved us so much! Thank You!
The Scourging at the Pillar
Oh, dear Sweet Jesus! I cannot imagine the pain that You felt as each lash of the whip ripped Your skin from Your Most Precious Body. I cannot imagine the pain as You were whipped over and over again. I cannot imagine how You felt knowing that more pain was to follow, pain that could not and should not be felt by any human being, yet, You endured it. Each lash was for our sins. Forgive us, Sweet Jesus. You, the Man, the God, who is Love Himself, endured the pain and agony of whips. Sweet Jesus, I fall at Your feet. I am saved because You loved us so much! You are Love and Love was broken and bleeding. Forgive us, Sweet Jesus! Forgive us!
The Crowning with Thorns
Oh, my God! How could you endure so much pain? You were weak from the loss of blood. You were dizzy from the beatings. Then, as they mocked You, spit upon You, they crowned You with thorns. It wasn’t enough for You to endure the beatings, but You had to endure the shame and the thorns in Your
most precious Head. Oh, Jesus, what can I say? Father forgive me. Jesus, sweet loving Jesus, forgive me!
I am so sorry!
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus, now you were near death. You had been condemned by Pilate, and even then, You tried to teach him about authority. You who were Love submitted to Pilate’s authority over You on earth. I’m not sure Pilate understood. You had been beaten, mocked and crowned with thorns, yet, You continued on the way of salvation still ready and willing to give Your last drops of blood for us! Thank You, Sweet Jesus. Thank You! And The Father sent you another angel, the woman who defied the Romans and gave You the last bits of comfort in Your final journey for us. Veronica wiped Your Face so disfigured by the beatings and whippings. She, the woman, shared in Your Courage, and sought to help You. Thank You, Jesus. Help us to be more like Your Mother and Veronica. Thank You.
The Crucifixion
Oh, Jesus. The journey was over. The final slices of agony were coming to an end. You were nailed to Your cross. The pain seared Your brain. How did You endure this? Thank You for Your suffering. You gave us everything down to the last drops of blood and water. The Father brought Your Mother to Your final sufferings on the cross. As the most faithful Son, You took care of Your Mother and gave her to John. When you did this, You also gave us Your Mother as our Mother. Oh, my Jesus! Forgive us our sins! You, the God of Love, suffered the hate of Satan and died on the cross for our sins. Sweet Jesus! Forgive us!
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus, now you were near death. You had been condemned by Pilate, and even then, You tried to teach him about authority. You who were Love submitted to Pilate’s authority over You on earth. I’m not sure Pilate understood. You had been beaten, mocked and crowned with thorns, yet, You continued on the way of salvation still ready and willing to give Your last drops of blood for us! Thank You, Sweet Jesus. Thank You! And The Father sent you another angel, the woman who defied the Romans and gave You the last bits of comfort in Your final journey for us. Veronica wiped Your Face so disfigured by the beatings and whippings. She, the woman, shared in Your Courage, and sought to help You. Thank You, Jesus. Help us to be more like Your Mother and Veronica. Thank You.
The Crucifixion
Oh, Jesus. The journey was over. The final slices of agony were coming to an end. You were nailed to Your cross. The pain seared Your brain. How did You endure this? Thank You for Your suffering. You gave us everything down to the last drops of blood and water. The Father brought Your Mother to Your final sufferings on the cross. As the most faithful Son, You took care of Your Mother and gave her to John. When you did this, You also gave us Your Mother as our Mother. Oh, my Jesus! Forgive us our sins! You, the God of Love, suffered the hate of Satan and died on the cross for our sins. Sweet Jesus! Forgive us!
They Mysteries of the Rosary - The Luminous Mysteries (The Mysteries of Light)
"Among all the devotions approved by the Church none has been so favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the Most Holy Rosary" (Pope Pius IX).
The Mysteries of Light
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
At last, You and John are reunited as the one who came before and the one who is I AM. Although reluctant to do so, John obeyed the command of the Holy Spirit to baptize You and begin Your mission of Salvation in the world. Sweet Jesus, you knew what would happen as you left Your Mother and began Your journey to save us. You knew what the end would be and how painful that end would be for You, yet, You stepped into the waters of the River Jordan and You began Your ministry. Thank You, Most Sacred Heart. Thank You for the Love You gave us! Thank You for the gift of salvation by giving us the ultimate sacrifice of your life. Praise to You, Sweet Holy Jesus! Thank You!
The Wedding at Cana
Were You really giving Your Mother a hard time when you told her, “It’s not my time.”? Yet, it only took a few words from her, and You began Your ministry of miracles by changing the water into wine. Oh, Sweet Jesus, thank You! Later You would give us the greatest miracle by giving us priests who would give us the gifts of Your most precious Body and Blood through the Mass during the consecration. Sweet Jesus, thank You for the gifts of the men who are our priests. Thank You, for this most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist! Bless and Protect our priests. They were chosen by You. They are also Your Mother’s Sons. Protect them. Bless them, Keep them true to You.
Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and the Call for conversion.
“And He walked among them, curing their illnesses, making them well.” Lord, I know that those are not the exact words, but first You healed and then You said, “Go and sin no more.” You saved the woman caught in adultery. No one would dare to harm her when she was under Your protection. You had the authority of the Chosen One, which You were. You proclaimed the gospel of Love and you asked us to sin no more. Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for this amazing gift. Thank You for Your Love! Thank You for healing us! Thank You for giving us the gift of Salvation.
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
At last, You and John are reunited as the one who came before and the one who is I AM. Although reluctant to do so, John obeyed the command of the Holy Spirit to baptize You and begin Your mission of Salvation in the world. Sweet Jesus, you knew what would happen as you left Your Mother and began Your journey to save us. You knew what the end would be and how painful that end would be for You, yet, You stepped into the waters of the River Jordan and You began Your ministry. Thank You, Most Sacred Heart. Thank You for the Love You gave us! Thank You for the gift of salvation by giving us the ultimate sacrifice of your life. Praise to You, Sweet Holy Jesus! Thank You!
The Wedding at Cana
Were You really giving Your Mother a hard time when you told her, “It’s not my time.”? Yet, it only took a few words from her, and You began Your ministry of miracles by changing the water into wine. Oh, Sweet Jesus, thank You! Later You would give us the greatest miracle by giving us priests who would give us the gifts of Your most precious Body and Blood through the Mass during the consecration. Sweet Jesus, thank You for the gifts of the men who are our priests. Thank You, for this most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist! Bless and Protect our priests. They were chosen by You. They are also Your Mother’s Sons. Protect them. Bless them, Keep them true to You.
Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and the Call for conversion.
“And He walked among them, curing their illnesses, making them well.” Lord, I know that those are not the exact words, but first You healed and then You said, “Go and sin no more.” You saved the woman caught in adultery. No one would dare to harm her when she was under Your protection. You had the authority of the Chosen One, which You were. You proclaimed the gospel of Love and you asked us to sin no more. Thank You, Sweet Jesus, for this amazing gift. Thank You for Your Love! Thank You for healing us! Thank You for giving us the gift of Salvation.
The Transformation
Oh, my! The Apostles must have been so overcome when they saw You in Your glory! Like those of us who are caught off guard, Peter could only ask if they should build tents for all of You. I love Peter, Lord! No wonder You chose Him to lead Your earthly kingdom. Peter was so human and frail. Like You, it was his fragility that made Him strong. His strength could only come from You, as our strength can only come from You. Jesus, You loved us so much, You gave everything for us, including this gift of the Transfiguration. Someday, we will see You as Your Apostles did on this mountain. Thank You, Jesus, for this gift!!
The Institution of the Eucharist
Oh, Jesus, I can only bow in humble adoration to Y ou! Y ou said that Y ou would not leave us alone. Y ou sent the Holy Spirit to inspire us. You send us holy priests to consecrate bread and water and turn these into Your most Precious Body and Blood. Oh, my Jesus, I am overwhelmed! I can only say, “Thank You.”
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Meditaions on the Most Holy Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries
"Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world."
(Our Lady of Fatima)
The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
Dearest Lady,
Here you were, but a child yourself, and you were being asked to be the Mother of God. Your only question was, “How will this be done?” When the angel told you that the Holy Spirit would come upon you, you said, “Yes,” and the Son of God began to grow in your body. The Father elevated all women by giving you this amazing grace! Your faith elevated womanhood and it gave the world the Gift of Salvation. Thank you, Most Beautiful Soul! Thank you for your yes!
The Visitation
Oh, sweetest Mother, how many miracles happened as you carried our Brother in your body? Your first job as the Mother of God was to take this gift, your Son, into the world as you visited your cousin Elizabeth! No one knew, but when Elizabeth saw you, the babe she was carrying in her body was sanctified! John jumped for joy in the presence of his cousin. Jesus was immediately part of a family in His community and part of the family we have on earth. Your love gave us Jesus! His Love gave us salvation. Thank you, dearest Mother. Thank you for this gift.
The Birth of Jesus
Heavenly Queen, did you hear the angels sing when you held your Son in your arms. Did you see the angels surround Him with light and love? How did you feel when you held this amazing Gift of the Father in your arms? Were you cold? Was Jesus a good baby? Did he sleep well? Sweet Lady, we are all wrapped in your love! Jesus gave you to us as a part of the Gift of Salvation. Thank you, Brother Jesus! Thank you for this gift of love you call your Mother!
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
As was fitting of a woman of faith, you, Dearest Mother, presented your Child in the temple following the law of the covenant. You gave back to God the Father, the dearest gift any mother could give, and that is her child. Not knowing what would happen in the future, you walked in faith and love as you stepped into the temple to offer your Son to His Father. Were you frightened? Did you know that this beautiful Baby you held in your arms would live and die for us? As difficult as it might have been to think of these things, you still willingly and lovingly gave back to the Father, His Son. Thank you, most beautiful lady. Thank you!
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
How overjoyed you must have been to see your Son! You had searched for 3 days for Him! Was Joseph angry with Jesus for giving you this scare? Did you speak because Joseph, finally relieved for finding his Son, could not? You scolded your Son so gently and lovingly like, today, you will still scold us if we need
(Our Lady of Fatima)
The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
Dearest Lady,
Here you were, but a child yourself, and you were being asked to be the Mother of God. Your only question was, “How will this be done?” When the angel told you that the Holy Spirit would come upon you, you said, “Yes,” and the Son of God began to grow in your body. The Father elevated all women by giving you this amazing grace! Your faith elevated womanhood and it gave the world the Gift of Salvation. Thank you, Most Beautiful Soul! Thank you for your yes!
The Visitation
Oh, sweetest Mother, how many miracles happened as you carried our Brother in your body? Your first job as the Mother of God was to take this gift, your Son, into the world as you visited your cousin Elizabeth! No one knew, but when Elizabeth saw you, the babe she was carrying in her body was sanctified! John jumped for joy in the presence of his cousin. Jesus was immediately part of a family in His community and part of the family we have on earth. Your love gave us Jesus! His Love gave us salvation. Thank you, dearest Mother. Thank you for this gift.
The Birth of Jesus
Heavenly Queen, did you hear the angels sing when you held your Son in your arms. Did you see the angels surround Him with light and love? How did you feel when you held this amazing Gift of the Father in your arms? Were you cold? Was Jesus a good baby? Did he sleep well? Sweet Lady, we are all wrapped in your love! Jesus gave you to us as a part of the Gift of Salvation. Thank you, Brother Jesus! Thank you for this gift of love you call your Mother!
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
As was fitting of a woman of faith, you, Dearest Mother, presented your Child in the temple following the law of the covenant. You gave back to God the Father, the dearest gift any mother could give, and that is her child. Not knowing what would happen in the future, you walked in faith and love as you stepped into the temple to offer your Son to His Father. Were you frightened? Did you know that this beautiful Baby you held in your arms would live and die for us? As difficult as it might have been to think of these things, you still willingly and lovingly gave back to the Father, His Son. Thank you, most beautiful lady. Thank you!
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
How overjoyed you must have been to see your Son! You had searched for 3 days for Him! Was Joseph angry with Jesus for giving you this scare? Did you speak because Joseph, finally relieved for finding his Son, could not? You scolded your Son so gently and lovingly like, today, you will still scold us if we need
to be reminded why we are here. Jesus returned with you and Joseph and was obedient. Like any young
man, Sweet Jesus needed to be reminded that it was not His Time, and He loved us so much that He wanted
to begin His work at an early age. Thank you for guiding your Son! Thank you for guiding us in this world.
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