St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Monday, October 7, 2013

When You Don't Feel You Have Enough Time To Pray

There are days, aren't there, when we are just out of sorts, but we need to pray.  We are out of sorts and out of time.  What can we do?  We need to connect with God to fuel our soul.  We need to make that connection to honor and praise Him, but we don't have time.  How can we do it all?  Later, we'll talk about priorities, but right now, I want to show you a quick and easy way to connect with God.  You will have to work to make that connection deep, but you can find time to pray, even in a crazy, busy day!  So, how can we do this?
The solution is easy. 

One. Line. Prayers.

#1.  Open the button on the top of this blog that says One Line Prayers.
I have a lot of prayers that might appeal to you.  Read them, slowly.  Copy them to your computer.  Print one or two out at a time.  Place your printout where you can see them.  Read them, slowly, prayerfully for one minute.  Take that small amount of time and give it to God.  He will love you even more as you take this time to reconnect with Our Almighty God!

#2.  Keep a small notebook with you, or use your computer, smart phone, or tablet to create a file called Prayers.  When a thought comes to your mind that you feel could be a prayer, type it in and add it to your file.  Then, take a minute, and concentrate on that prayer, for a moment.  Give God that minute of your life.  When the Spirit moves you, add more of your own, meaningful One Line Prayers to your File.

I'll give you a start with your one minute prayers.  Read these prayerfully, slowly, and stop when you see one that catches your eye.  Give God that minute.  

Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, may we praise You now and forever.
Praise!  Praise!  His Holy Name.
Blessed be the God of all Creation!
Lord, God, we love You and adore You.
Jesus!  Jesus!  Jesus!
Blessed be the Name of The Lord!
Lord, I am not worthy.
Blessed be the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob!

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