St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, April 11, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

Quick Take #1
Lent will be ending soon.  We begin Holy Week in a matter of days.  Soon we will celebrate the gift of our salvation and the Risen Lord.  Praise God for these gifts!

I have to lector at the 5:15 Mass for the Palm Sunday vigil.  I will be reading the passion of Christ.  I am not the main lector.  I am just a reader.  I am honored to be part of the Palm Sunday celebration. 

On Palm Sunday, I will be cantoring at the 11:30 Mass.  Now, this makes me very nervous.  I usually want to crawl up in a fetal position before I sing.  Once the Mass gets started, I'm fine, but I sweat.  I don't like to go near anyone after Mass.  I think I smell!  :)

Today, the temperatures are going to be in the 60's again.  That's  three straight days in a row!  After our long winter, I love these days!  I often wonder why our terrible winter was a part of God's plan.  Everything is a part of His plan.  How He makes it work, I'll never understand, but this I know:  He does it!  Things work out, and it's all for love of us.

I have to find time to color my hair this weekend.  If you saw it now, you would see very light pink hair.

Sort of like this.  I want my hair pink for Easter, but not the garish pink it must be when I first begin the coloring process.  I love my hair now!  It took a little time for people to get used to it, but I think they did.  Pink hair rocks.  Thank you, Lord, for hair coloring in pink, my favorite color.

This is what my hair looks like right after I color it.  I don't want it to be THAT pink for Easter. 

It's almost time to leave for adoration.  A friend and I plan to sing to the Lord as we adore today.  I'm going to go there early.  We don't sound the best, but that's okay.  God knows that we love Him, and that's all that matters.

The sun is shining.  There's no snow on the ground.  There are hints of green in the lawn. (Tiny hints of green.)  The air smells like spring.  The air is still cold, the temperatures are warming up.  This is good.  Thank you, Jesus!

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