St. Michael Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Learning to Pray with the Heart - Part 2

When we pray with the heart, God will be in your heart.  Open your heart to Him.  Listen for His silence.  Feel His Love envelope you.  Draw closer to His Sacred Heart.  Be an intercessor for those who need you. 

You know that lady that sings loudly and off key at church?  As others complain about the distractions she creates, intercede for her and them before the Throne of God.  You know that cousin you don't like, that neighbor who drives you insane, the child of your heart who causes you great anxiety?  Pray for them, opening your heart, so that you may be a source of grace for them.  By loving our sisters and brothers in Christ, forgiving them, and praying for them, God’s love pours down on humanity when we bring these souls to God.

Forgive them their faults.  Small things are easy to forgive.  We can overlook the unkind comment of our best friend who had a rough day.  We can forgive  the mom with 3 small children at the grocery store who is not able to control her small children when they crash their cart into yours.  These things are easy to forgive.  Say a quiet prayer asking Our Loving God to bless them and strengthen them.  Remember, forgiveness begins with a decision to forgive.  The emotions will follow later.

When the hurts are grievous, we must forgive.  When those we trusted with our love  and life cause us the greatest pain and sorrow, we must forgive.    We must forgive the deep, unspoken hurts.  There are no injuries beyond forgiveness, although many of these wounds feel this way.  When the pain is intense, we must forgive.  Forgiveness sets us free and brings us, and those who have injured us, to God.  Forgiveness begins with the decision to forgive.  Ask God for the grace to let go of the hurt and pain.  Invite the Holy Spirit into your heart to heal your soul.  When you do this, you open the door for God’s healing and mercy.

To pray with the heart, we must peel off the layers of pain and sorrow.  We must let go and let God heal these wounds.  When anger and bitterness eat at our souls, the loving, living waters of God's graces fall on dry soil.  When we forgive, and forgiveness begins with the words, "I forgive”… our hearts open and healing begins.  Even when the emotions are raw and painful, the soothing balm of God’s love fills the cracks and crevices in our souls.  God knows our hearts.  The emotions will be soothed, in time, with God's healing graces, but we must begin with the words, "I forgive..." 

Next, we must pray for and bless those who have hurt us grievously.  As unfair as this might seem, we must be intercessors for all of God’s children.  Forgiveness comes with time. You must forgive those who hurt you, often many times a day or many times an hour.  God’s unending love will envelope you in the loving graces you need to forgive.  He will soothe your aching heart.  He will pour His balm of love into your soul.  He is a God of love.  He is a God of healing.  He is the great I AM.

After forgiveness, healing begins.  As we are healed, our hearts are begin to open to God and His Ways.  His ways are not our ways.  His thoughts are not our thoughts.  He knows what is best for us.  When we acknowledge His greatness, we come to Him in humility, with an open heart.  This humility allows God to draw us closer into His Sacred Heart.

Lord, I am broken.  I am in pain.  Forgiveness is so difficult, but I choose to forgive.  I ask You for the graces to let go of the pain, to let go of the hurt, to let go of the anger.  Lord, I choose You.  I am Yours.  You shed Your blood for me.  I thank You for the gift of salvation. Lord, I am Yours.  Help me.  Thank You!

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