Oh, God, our Heavenly Father, we ask You to bless us during this season in which we are preparing for the birth of Your Son. Holy Spirit, we ask you to enlighten our minds so that our thoughts, words, and actions may be directed to our Triune God. Sweet Brother, Jesus, help us to prepare for the celebration of Your birth so that we may rejoice with the heavenly hosts at the moment of Your birth.
Bless us, Lord, R. Bless us, Lord.
Bless our families.
Bless our children.
Bless our spouses.
Bless our memories.
Bless our friends and their families.
Bless children in every land.
Bless the newborn babes.
Bless all women who carry a baby in their bodies.
Bless all children nestled in the womb.
Bless these children and give them life.
Bless all children who live in poverty.
Bless all children so they will appreciate their parents.
Bless all children so that this celebration of your birth will be more about You and less about Santa and presents.
Bless all children who venerate You.
Bless all of our missing children. Bring them home for Christmas.
Bless all families with peace, not only during the holidays, but always.
Bless all families so that old hurts will be healed.
Bless all families so that Your birth may be truly celebrated.
Bless all of our clergy, particularly our priests, bishops, and cardinals.
Bless all of those who are studying for religious life.
Bless our dearest Pope Francis.
Bless our nuns and give them joy in their service of God.
Bless all of those who are lonely and hurting during this time of year.
Bless all of those who suffer from depression.
Bless all of those who have no hope.
Bless all of those who suffer from the torment of mental illness.
Bless all of those who suffer from the pain and torment of addictions.
Bless all of our sick.
Bless all those who are dying.
Bless all those involved in the care of the sick and dying.
Bless all those who will work on Christmas Day.
Bless all those who will be separated from their families on Christmas Day.
Bless all those who serve in the military.
Bless all those who serve in law enforcement and fire fighters.
Bless our first responders.
Bless all those who will serve in our churches on Christmas.
Bless all those who will die on Christmas Day.
Bless their grieving families.
Bless all the homeless.
Bless all the poor.
Bless all those who will not eat on Christmas Day.
Bless all who will bury their pain in drugs and alcohol.
Bless all those who will attempt or succeed at suicide.
Bless all those who will become angry on Christmas.
Bless all those who will leave the Church.
Bless all those who have left the Church
Bless our non Catholic sisters and brothers.
Bless all those captured in the snare of grave sin. Free them from their sin.
Bless all those who would seek to destroy us. Free them from their sin.
Bless all those who have harmed us.
Bless us with the graces to forgive.
Bless us, Lord, bless us.
Heavenly Father, Jesus our brother, Holy Spirit our guide, thank You for the many blessings You pour down on us each day. Thank You for the gift of Mary, our mother. Thank You for the gift of life. Thank You for the women who chose life for us. Lord, God, bless us. Forgive us. We return all of our blessings to You in great gratitude.
Jesus, our Brother, we join with the Father and the Holy Spirit in celebrating Your Birth. We join with the angels and saints praising You and adoring You. Fill us with Your Spirit. Fill us with love for the Father. Help us to get to know our guardian angels better. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit.
St. Michael Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do, thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Glory to God in the Highest!
Glory to God in the Highest!
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