The most common "vocation," within the Catholic Church is the vocation to the priesthood.
We are asked to pray for vocations.
We need our priests!
Please pray for our priests,
please pray that more men to be inspired
by the Holy Spirit to discern
the gift of the priesthood.
We all have a vocation.
What is yours?
No, it might not be to the priesthood
nor to the religious life.
As part of the body of Christ,
we all have something to do for Him.
I have learned that my vocation has changed through the years.
When I was a child, my vocation was to be a child.
I had to learn to become a good adult who knew about God and loved Him so that I could be an example for others.
As I grew up and, reluctantly, adjust to adulthood,
my vocation was to be a college student so that I could learn the skills I needed for a job.
I had to take care of myself financially and become a good, productive citizen in society,
I had to learn my faith, which never changed,
but, unlike a child, I had to learn to live my faith,
knowing that Catholicism was a way of life and not just a day during the week when I attended Mass.
After working as an adult for awhile,
my vocation changed again.
I married.
I had to learn to be a good, faithful, loving wife to my husband,
just as he had to learn to be a
good, faithful, loving husband to me.
Again, I had to live my life as a spouse in the Catholic Church.
Then, my vocation changed again.
My vocation caused me to learn to be a good mother.
We all make mistakes as parents,
and so much of parenting is trial and error,
so I was grateful for the leadership of the Church in helping me to become the best parent I could be.
Again, my vocation changed.
My vocation was to be a caregiver to my husband who was diagnosed with a terrible cancer.
My vocation as a wife changed again.
I was still a wife, but I was also asked to be a pillar of strength for my husband and my children.
I was widowed.
My life within the Church and society was changed again.
My vocation was to hold my life and the lives of my children together.
At times, my vocation was simply to remember to breathe
as we worked through our devastating grief.
The story goes on and my vocation has changed again.
I am now in the role of caregiver for my daughter who has the same, deadly cancer that killed my husband.
Again, there are day on which I have to remember to breathe.
She's doing well, but my vocation changed again.
I'm no longer a child.
I'm an adult.
I'm no longer a wife.
I am a widow.
I'm still a mother.
I'll always be a child of God.
I can only assume that my vocation will change again.
I've had many vocations in my life.
Each one, challenging or not, was a gift from God designed to bring me closer to Him.
What is your vocation?
Do you think it will change?
I'd love to hear.
God is good.
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