
Friday, June 17, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Lose: The Mission is over

The Mission at Church is over.
Viva La Mission!
Viva Christo Rey!
Viva La Fey!

What did we lose?
After ten days, you lose the joy of the missionaries as they spilled out of the church and into the streets of our town.
We lose the joy they bring to our parish.
We lose the very, early morning, and I do mean early morning,
rosary walks.
We lose the blessings of the priests who served us through this mission.
We lose the friendships that were made.
We don't lose the blessings and gifts from God.
The fruits of the mission were different for each person.
The Holy Spirit filled each of us in different ways.
He touched our hearts in piercing ways.
Jesus walked with each of us whether we were support help or directing everything.
God blesses us.
He blessed our parish.
Jesus, Meek and Humble of heart, make my heart like yours.
God so loved the world!
God so loved the world!
God so loved the world!
We are blessed.

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