
Friday, September 11, 2015

In Memorium...

 September 11, 2001,
an infamous day in history, 
it was the day God called us back to Him.

Lives were needlessly lost.
The attack was cold and calculated.
Families were destroyed.
Children were killed.
First responders died as they worked to help in the depths of the carnage.
Those who survived were damaged inside and out.

Intense pain, sorrow, and suffering.
Where was God?
He was there by the mother who thought of her children as she died.
He was there by the first responder who died saving a life.
He was there as the first plane crashed into the Towers.

He was there, holding His children near.

He was there calling all of us back to Him.

Churches were opened all night.
People took refuge in them as the panic of the attack began to settle.
People opened their hearts to God and began to pray again.

Families prayed the Rosary together.
The Holy Souls were prayed for over and over and over again
those first few nights.
People who had not been to church in years, returned for the peace and salvation 
church offered.

We couldn't stop the attack, but we could open our  hearts and souls to God.
We could pray for peace and for protection.
We remembered the God we had forgotten.
We welcomed Him back into our lives,
we felt secure again.
As with the terrorists of 9/11, God did not take away our gift of free will.
We all have it, as did the men who wreaked havoc with the world.
God allows us to make our choices.
Today, churches are empty again.
Pagan values rule the world.
We live in a culture of death and destruction for the most helpless of the world.
Where is God now?
He's still there.
He's never changed.
He is eternal.
He is always and forever.
He is the great I AM.
Have we abandoned God?
Have we pushed him out of our lives again?
The answers begin with prayer.
Pray for those who died that day.
Pray for those who live with invisible scars from that day.
Pray for our country.
Pray for our world.
Pray for peace.
Welcome God back into our lives.
Beg God for forgiveness.
Beg God for His Mercy.
Pray! Pray! Pray!



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