
Friday, August 21, 2015

Ending the Week in Thanksgiving and Praise

"Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow.
Praise Him All Creatures Here Below.
Praise Him above the Heavenly Host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!"

1) In the news: Planned Parenthood is being exposed for the monster that it is.  This is clearly a blessing from God.  The truth is being exposed.
Here's a commentary that is important to read.
Click HERE.

We pray for the mothers and their unborn babies whose beating hearts are stopped by the abortion or afterwards. 
We pray for compassion towards these women and the conversion of those who work within planned parenthood.

2)  On the home front, Jenny is starting to feel better.  It's a long recovery, but it's been worth it.  
May God be praised for the gift of health.  

3) Summer is slipping into autumn.  I look forward to the cooler weather, but I will miss the warmth of summer in the air.
Thank you, Lord, for all the beautiful days of summer!

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