
Monday, December 8, 2014

Thoughts on the Mother of God

Yesterday, we entered the 2nd week of Advent.  The second candle on the Advent Wreath was lit.

Today, we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
What an amazing feast to celebrate in Advent, as we wait for our new born King.

Mary, the Mother of God, by her fiat to the Angel Gabriel, became the Mother of our Savior and Brother, Jesus.  She, who was a consecrated virgin, asked only one question, "How could this happen?"  She had made a vow of virginity.  She was not married, and she had never known a man in the conjugal sense.

The angel explained to her that "The Power of the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and she would conceive a Son whom she would name, Jesus."

Mary, at that point did not miss a beat.  "Let it be done according to your word."  She trusted that God would take care of everything.
She was also in a bit of a predicament in her world.

Mary was unmarried, and she was going to have a baby.  This, alone, could cause great sorrow for her family, and she could be punished according to the law.  That didn't stop Mary.  This Immaculate Virgin, after the angel told her that Elizabeth was pregnant with a son, left to help her cousin.  Mary stayed with Elizabeth and Zachariah until John was born.  She left to return home.

At home, it was obvious that Mary was pregnant.  She was showing her condition.  She trusted in God.  Joseph, not wanting to have her face the consequences of the law had planned to divorce her quietly, but God stepped in.  He sent an angel to Joseph to tell him that it was all right to take Mary into his home.  So, Mary was welcomed as the wife of Joseph, and Our Savior had an earthly father too.

Through all of this, God kept His promise to Mary.  He would take care of her and her child.  Mary remained a virgin.  The Feast of the Immaculate Conception reminds us that God can do anything.

Even though Mother Mary gave birth to a Son our Savior, she was, is, and will be forever, a virgin.

Praised be Jesus who gave us His Mother as our Mother!  This week, let's meditate on the fact that God loves us, and that God can do anything!  We, like Mother Mary, have to trust and let Him take over.  The Father Creator took care of His Son's Mother.  He will take care of us.  Step into the gift of the Immaculate Conception.  Praise God!

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