
Monday, January 27, 2014

Morning Prayer

Good Morning, Lord!

Thank You for the good sleep I had last night.  I feel refreshed this morning.  Thank You for that.  I just wanted to tell You that I love You, and I'm looking forward to this day.   I trust that You will be with me all day.  Thank You for that gift, too.  You do send some interesting challenges to me.  I know that without You I could not get through my day.  There was a time when I wasn't sure that You even cared about me.  My days were so challenging then!  Thank You for the peace I have received. 

Father, Jesus my Brother, Holy Spirit, I thank You for the gift of You.  You are our triune God!  We praise and bless You!  I thank You for the way You have worked in my life.  I thank You for the way You continue to work in my life.  I thank You for the way You work in my children's lives.  I thank You for the blessings You have given me through my children.  Father, we are all Your children.  We praise You and bless You for this gift.  Jesus, my brother, thank You for all that You have done for us!  You suffered and died that we might have eternal life.  Thank You.  Holy Spirit, we need You.  Pour out your blessings and graces on our very troubled world.  Thank You, our Triune God!

Father, I need to ask You for some things.  Please hear my prayer.
Bless our troubled world and send Your Holy Spirit to rekindle the flames of Your love and peace. 
Bless my children.  Manifest Your love in their lives and let them recognize this gift from You.
In the greatness of Your love for us, send the graces of salvation to those who are living lives outside of Your graces.  Grant them peace and love and the gift of a beautiful death, especially if they are going to see You face to face today.
Bless the Souls in Purgatory.  Bring them some relief from their sufferings and release souls to be with You.
Bless my family and all of our friends.  Let them be blessed with the gifts of the Spirit that they might become Your Apostles.
Bless all of Your priests.  Embrace them with Your love.
Bless all of those people who are suffering.  Relieve their sufferings and strengthen them.  Give them hope.
Bless all of those people who are grieving.  Relieve their sense of loss and strengthen them.  Remind them that with each new dawn their loved ones are enjoying the vision of You and that they are happy.
Bless all of the homeless and hungry of our world.  Bless all those kind and loving people who minister to them. 
 Bless all of those people, both living and dead, who have no one to pray for them.  May their prayers be heard by You, and may they be blessed.

Thank You, Father.  Thank You, my brother, Jesus.  Thank You, Holy Spirit.

We praise and honor You.  Help me to walk in Your path today and everyday.  Help me to see the face of Jesus in all that I meet and realize that these people are a blessing of love to me.  Praise to You!  Thank You!  I love You! 


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